Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): ENERO-JUNIO 2023

					View Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): ENERO-JUNIO 2023

Historical indications show that organizational structures have existed from remote years to the present time, not limiting this structured form only to humanity, but in general to the majority of living beings that inhabit the planet. The same history shows that, with the passing of the years and the constant changes, both natural and social, it is necessary to adapt the organizational structures according to the needs that these changes demand.


Society cannot remain inert when observing the needs that exist around it derived from the constant changes that the global world demands, therefore it is necessary that each person contribute from their specific area of ​​knowledge, solutions that help a better world organization, since it is pertinent that humanity is prepared for any possible radical change that may exist.


Published: 2023-06-28
