Reflections and Problems of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on the Psychological State in University Students

Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic and its Influence on the Psychological State in University students


  • Oscar Alejandro Viramontes Olivas DOCTORAL
  • María del Rosario de Fátima Alvídrez Díaz
  • José René Arroyo Ávila


affectations, mood, students, pandemic, mental health.


Introduction. University students considered a vulnerable population in terms of their mental health, due to the threats inherent to their age and the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic that affected the lives of millions of people in the world. The measures established by governments to deal with the situation were to work intensively to improve mental health. From the Social Responsibility framework, universities are appropriate places to address the health needs and well-being of students, contemplating their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Aim. To analyze the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on their mental health in university students and to know their preventive measures. Development of the topic. This work corresponds to studies where university mental health conditions are mentioned; It reflects on the importance and priority of care and attention that should be given to the mental health of young people. Conclusions. The pandemic had a negative impact on mental health in university students who are currently seeking to position themselves within the labor field and overcome this bad experience caused by the pandemic.


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How to Cite

Viramontes Olivas, O. A. ., Alvídrez Díaz, M. del R. de F., & Arroyo Ávila, J. R. . (2023). Reflections and Problems of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on the Psychological State in University Students: Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic and its Influence on the Psychological State in University students . Excelencia Administrativa Online, 2(5), 10–27. Retrieved from
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