Factors that influence work stress within accounting firms in the city of Chihuahua


  • Diana Bereniz De la Rosa Gonzalez
  • Karinna Idalia Holguín Magallanes
  • Armando Javier Cabrera Zapata


Work stress, stress, anxiety, burnout.


Work stress is one of the main problems that accounting firms in the city of Chihuahua face today. The negative effects of work stress can manifest in different ways, as well as present different symptoms such as headaches, insomnia and anxiety attacks which are considered the most frequent within the staff of the accounting firms, in the same way they can be accompanied by physical and /or mental exhaustion, it is considered that stress at work is related to a reduction in productivity, turnover of staff and absenteeism within the accounting offices.
Therefore, this research aims to know the factors that influence work stress within the accounting firms such as, excessive workload, extensive hours, lack of motivation, low remuneration and lack of training, which can test the capacity of the individual, and will be harmed in the work performance of many accounting firms in the City of Chihuahua. this research was conducted in the city of Chihuahua, in the period January to May 2020. The population of interest was 64 active employees of accounting firms. The design of the research was descriptive transferal of a quantitative nature. The results of this research will allow the strengthening in the implementation of preventive measures that must be used and implemented appropriately in the face of the problems faced today by accounting firms.


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How to Cite

De la Rosa Gonzalez, D. B. ., Holguín Magallanes, K. I. ., & Cabrera Zapata, A. J. . (2023). Factors that influence work stress within accounting firms in the city of Chihuahua. Excelencia Administrativa Online, 2(4), 40–58. Retrieved from https://revistascientificas.uach.mx/index.php/excelencia-administrativa/article/view/1275
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