Policy on Persistent Identifiers

The data that contribute to the development of the publishing platform Open Journal Systems used by Economicus Journal of Business and Economics Insights may be shared with its developer, Public Knowledge Project (PKP), in anonymized and aggregated form, with appropriate exceptions such as article metrics.

Personal metadata linked to the publication of an article (full name, academic degree, position held, postal and email address, phone number, affiliation, ORCID) are deposited and distributed associated with the article. This includes future assignment of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) through CrossRef. Additionally, for preservation, dissemination, and improved scientific retrieval purposes, they are distributed through the LOCKSS system to distributed library archives and other open science systems.

These data will not be sold or transferred by the journal or PKP for purposes other than those established here.

Failure to provide the expressly requested data will prevent registration with the journal, submission of manuscripts, and editorial follow-up.