Focus and scope

Economicus: Journal of Business and Economics Insights is a bilingual scientific publication (Spanish and English) from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua in Mexico, established in 2024 and published continuously. The journal specializes in Business and International Economics, Technology Management, Strategy and Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Social Impact, Labor Market Studies, Economics, Econometrics, and Public Economics.

It is an arbitraged scientific journal utilizing external expert evaluation (peer-review) with a double-blind review methodology, adhering to the publication standards of the American Psychological Association (APA). Compliance with this system ensures authors an objective, impartial, and transparent review process, facilitating inclusion in international reference databases, repositories, and indexes.

Published works must closely relate to these areas and categories, with a positive valuation given to adopting inter-, multi-, or transdisciplinary approaches integrating other fields of knowledge, as well as aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The journal aims to publish original and unpublished works with theoretical, practical, and/or methodological contributions.

General Guidelines

• Original and unpublished manuscripts are accepted, whose research results have not been published or are not under consideration for publication (nationally or internationally) in any other periodic publication, book, or institutional repositories in thesis or dissertation format, including partial sections of such works.
• Articles in Spanish and English are accepted.
• Economicus: Journal of Business and Economics Insights does not charge any fees to authors for manuscript management, evaluation, or publication.
• The submission file should be in Microsoft Word format, using the journal's template available in English and Spanish.
• Whenever possible, DOI numbers are provided in URL format or URLs are included in the references.
• The text is single-spaced; font size is 10 points (Palatino or Times New Roman); italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
• The text adheres to stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the "Author Guidelines" section.
• The "Audit Declaration - CRediT Taxonomy" section is included.
• It is essential that all authors provide their ORCID ID when uploading the document as part of the metadata.

Economicus: Journal of Business and Economics Insights recommends authors whose native language is not English or Spanish and who wish to improve their language proficiency to consider contacting a professional translation or editing service. The journal provides professional translation services (English-Spanish-English) for authors. For more information, please contact Messages should be addressed to the Editorial Committee with the subject line "Translation Service".