Editing Rules

Editing Rules

1. The subdivisions in the body of the text (titles and subtitles) carry NO distinguishing elements such as subparagraphs (a, b, c, d…) or numbering (1.1, 1.2, 1.3…). Your header level is determined by the following header formats.

     a. Header Level One: Sentence type, 14-point letter, right-aligned, bold, no period. It is basically used in the main title.

     b. Header Level Two: Sentence type, 12-point letter, left-aligned, bold, no period.

     c. Header Level Three: Sentence type, 12-point letter, italics, left-aligned, no period.

     d. Header Level Four: Sentence type, 12-point letter, indented, italics, left-aligned, includes period. 

     e. Header Level Five: Sentence type, 12-point letter, indented, italics, underlined, left-aligned, includes period. 


2. Terms in Latin and words in other languages should be in italics.


3. The first time an acronym is used, it must be enclosed in parentheses right after its complete name; the next few times, only the acronym without parentheses will be used. Example: First time “United Nations (UN)”, second time “the UN states that the objectives for...”


4. Text quotes less than 40 words are included within the paragraph and enclosed in quotation marks. Those that exceed 40 words (approximately 4 lines) must be placed in blockquote format, no quotation marks, with paragraph indentation, and include the page number (p.) or numbers (pp.) where the information appears in the queried source. Example: (Althusser, 1970, p. 22), (Almada, pp. 105-106). Paragraphs where information from a source is paraphrased do not include page numbers. Example: “As stated by Hernández (1999), the ICL…” o “The establishment of the first Mexican Teachers’ College (Trujillo, 2005). Other important instructions about quotation include:

     a. Only when the author uses his/her two last names united by a hyphen should the two names be included in the quotation. Example: (Díaz-Barriga, 2004). In all other cases, only the author's or authors' first last name is used.

     b. Quotations from four authors or more contain the last name of all authors in the first quotation. From the second time it is used, only the last name of the first is included, followed by the Latin abbreviation et al. Example: First quotation (Aguirre, Hernandez, Perez & Trujillo, 2015), second quotation (Aguirre, et al., 2015).

    c.Historical files and institutions are cited with their acronyms and the full name is included in the list of references the first time and the acronyms are used thereafter. Example: In citation (SEP, 2011) and in references “SEP. [Secretaría de Educación Pública]. (2011) …”

    d.The use of abbreviations p. (page) or pp (pages) when citing websites is replaced with para. (paragraph). Example: (Castellanos, 2018, para. 5).

    e. Interview answers are quoted in the following format: (Initial of the first name, last name of the interviewee, type of communication -personal or telephone-, day of the month, year). Example: (F. Ruiz, personal communication, April 18, 2017).

     f. Abbreviations such as Ibíd., ibídem, cfr., óp. cit., etc., are not to be used in quotations.


5. Tables (and textboxes) must be located in the appropriate place within the work and be referenced directly in the text: “table 1 shows evolution…” or indirectly: “…the number of schools decreased in each period (see table 5)”. They are numbered consecutively (Arabic numerals) and are accompanied by a title or description centered at the top, in 12-point letter font. The source with the title in italics must be located at the bottom, as well as the explanatory notes in the same format: “Source:” or “Note:”. In both cases, use 11-point Times New Roman font, single line spacing, justified alignment, 6-point spacing between paragraphs, and no indentation. The number of tables should not be unnecessarily prolonged as they are complementary resources for better understanding the text.


6. Figures (graphs, diagrams, maps, drawings, photographs, etc.) should be directly related to the content of the work and help the reader understand the subject better. It is suggested to use *jpg or *png format. They are numbered consecutively (Arabic numerals) and are accompanied by a title or description centered at the bottom, in 12-point letter font. The source is also included in italics (Source:), followed by the text related to it in 11-point letters.


7. Footer notes are not allowed. Whenever it is necessary to specify any data, it must be done with author notes at the end of the document, while references to authors are made within the text of the paper. For final notes, use 11-point Times New Roman font, single line spacing, justified alignment, 6-point spacing between paragraphs, and no indentation.


8. References should include all sources consulted without divisions in subtitles, nor listed by source type. The same author is NOT replaced by the use of long script and the appropriate elements for each source type must be included, according to the following examples:

   a. Single author book

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year). Title of the book in italics. Editorial.

         Example: Hernández Orozco, G. (1999). El Instituto Científico y Literario de Chihuahua 1850-1900. Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua.

     b. Book with up to three authors

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s), 2nd author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s), and 3rd author's last name(s), initial(s) of the first name(s). (year). Title of the book in italics. Editorial.

        Example: Aguirre Lora, M.E., Hernández Orozco, G., Pérez Piñón, F.A., & Trujillo Holguín, J.A. (2015). Educate in art. Protagonistas, instituciones y prácticas en el curso del tiempo (Debates por la Historia, No. 5). Nautilium A.C.

   c. Book with four or more authors

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s), 2nd author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s), and last author's last name(s), initial(s) of the first name(s). (year). Title of the book in italics. Editorial.

        Example: Pereyra, C., Villoro, L., González, L., Blanco, J.J., Florescano, E., Córdova, A., Aguilar Camín, H., Monsiváis, Guilly, A., & Bonfil Batalla, G. (2005). History, why? (21st ed.). Twenty-first century editors.

   d. Printed book with electronic version

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year). Title of the book in italics [version type]. URL where the book is available.

        Example: Marquez Terrazas, Z. (2013). Introducción a la historia de la educación en Chihuahua [e-pub]. http://ebooks.uach.mx/93/

   e. Book with electronic version only

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year). Title of the book in italics. URL where the book is available.

        Example: Tarango, J., Mendoza Meráz, G., Fierro Ramírez, L.A., & Asencio Baca, G. (2015). Aproximaciones teórico-conceptuales y metodológicas en la investigación educativa. http://www.ffyl.uach.mx/pdf/publicacion_01_2015.pdf 

     f. Book chapter

        Information: Chapter author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year). Chapter title. In initial(s) of the book’s coordinator/editor's name(s) (coord, or ed.) Title of the book in italics (pp. xxx-xxx). Editorial.

        Example: Gutiérrez Medrano, R. (2014). La vida cotidiana en la Escuela Normal Rural de Salaices, Chihuahua. In J.A. Trujillo Holguín (coord.), Miradas históricas a la formación del profesorado en Chihuahua (pp. 37-66). Escuela Normal Superior Profr. José E. Medrano R. / Red de Investigadores Educativos Chihuahua / Doble Hélice Ediciones.

   Journal paper

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year). Title of the paper. Name of the journal in italics, volume or year(number), home page-final page. URL where the paper is located.

        Example: Liddiard Cárdenas, S., Pérez Piñón, F.A., & Hernández Orozco, G. (2017). Herramientas de la sociología de la educación aplicadas en la comunidad Mormona LeBaron en Chihuahua. Sociológica, 32(92), 271-285. http://www.sociologicamexico.azc.uam.mx/index.php/Sociologica/article/view/1334

   h. Website

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year). Title of the website in italics. URL of the site.

         Example: Mireles, E. (2012). La Compañía de Jesús en la Tarahumara. https://jesuitasentarahumara.wordpress.com/2012/07/03/la-compania-de-jesus-en-la-tarahumara/

   i. Unpublished thesis

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year). Thesis degree in italics [Unpublished Master's / Doctoral Thesis]. Institution, city, country.

        Example: Villegas, J. (1992). Educación pública y bachillerato, la función social del Colegio de Bachilleres [Unpublished Master's / Doctoral Thesis]. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

   j. Thesis published in a repository or website

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year). Name of thesis in italics [ Bachelor / Master / Doctoral Thesis]. URL where the thesis is available.

        Example: Morales Muñoz, M.V. (2014). “Aquí la mujer se siente más responsable”. Género y etnicidad rarámuri en la ciudad de Chihuahua. Entre las relaciones de complementariedad y de desigualdad [Doctoral Thesis]. http://repositorio.ciesas.edu.mx/bitstream/handle/123456789/252/D248.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

   k. Interview conducted by the author of the work

        Information: Interviewee's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year, day of month of interview). Personal interview. City where the interview was conducted, country.

        Example: Rico Bovio, A. (February 20, 2018). Personal interview. Chihuahua, México.

   l. Interview by one of the authors of the work or by third person

       Information: Interviewee's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year, day of month of interview). Interview conducted by name of the person who did the interview. City where the interview was conducted, country.

        Example: Ruiz, F. (April 2017, 18). Interview conducted by Nelson Solorio Talavera. Chihuahua, México.

   m. Article or newspaper or newspaper news in printed format

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year, day of month). Title of the article or news item. Name of the newspaper or journal in italics, page initials or pages. Page number/sec

        Example: Viramontes Olivas, O. (February 2008, 16). Progresista y polémico, Lic. Oscar Soto Máynez. El Heraldo de Chihuahua, p. 9B.

   n. Article or news of newspaper or journal in electronic format

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year, day of month). Title of the article or news item. Name of the newspaper or journal in italics. URL where the article or news is available.

        Example: Vargas, R.E., and Román J.A. (September 2013, 11). Consumada, la reforma educativa; ‘‘no habrá marcha atrás’’: Peña. La Jornada, p. 9B. https://www.jornada.com.mx/2013/09/11/politica/005n1pol

   o. Article or news of newspaper or journal without author in printed format

        Information: Name of the newspaper or journal in italics. (year, day of month). Title of article or news, page initials or pages. Page number/sec

        Example: El Heraldo de Chihuahua. (March 2001, 24). Demanda personal de la Normal mejores prestaciones laborales, p. 4B.

   p. Article or news of newspaper or journal in printed format without author

        Information: Name of the newspaper or journal in italics. (year, day of month). Title of the article or news item. URL where the article or news is available.

        Example: CNN. (June 2015, 10). Experto: “México gasta cinco veces más en evaluar a sus profesores que en formarlos”. https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2015/06/10/en-mexico-hay-una-clasica-subordinacion-de-lo-educativo-a-lo-politico-investigador-en-aristegui/

   q. Historical archive document

       Information: File name initials. [File name only as first reference of same file]. (year of document). Title or subject of document in italics [background, section, box number, document number, etc.]. City, Country (Country is omitted if the city is well known. Example: Mexico City, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Paris, New York, London, etc.).

        Example: AHAM. [Historic Archive of the Archdiocese of Mexico]. (1925). Correspondence between Mons. Luis María Martínez and Adalberto Abascal [Episcopal Fund: Luis María Martínez, case 33, file 10]. Mexico City.

   a. Paper published in online electronic format

        Information: Author's last name(s), initial(s) of first name(s). (year). Title of the paper in italics. Paper presented on behalf of the congress. City, Country. URL where the presentation is available in the congress.

        Example: Vega Hernández, A., and Trujillo Holguín, J.A. (2019). Apuntes teóricos sobre la influencia ideológica de la revolución cubana en los movimientos estudiantiles en Chihuahua durante la década de 1960. Paper presented at the XV National Congress of Educational Research. Acapulco, Mexico. http://www.comie.org.mx/congreso/memoriaelectronica/v15/doc/1023.pdf


9. When it comes to references not covered in this guide, you can refer to the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association, fourth Spanish translation of the English seventh edition (APA 7).