Peer review and arbitration policy

When a proposal is submitted to the journal, the evaluation process is carried out in two stages:

Stage I.Begins with the review by the Technical Secretariat of the journal, verifying that the proposal meets the basic requirements as follows: Thematic approach, extension, adherence to citation standards, structure, format, among others. The work then goes on to a first reading by a member of the Editorial Committee, who determines the relevance of the proposal and decides whether it meets the academic quality requirements or not. This phase takes place in a maximum period of 30 days.

Stage 2. The proposals that get to this stage are submitted to the process of academic pair evaluation through the double blind evaluation procedure, by two anonymous referees who are specialists in the subject and belong to educational institutions at the national and international levels, with the purpose of ensuring the quality of the reviews. Only in the event that the verdicts of the adjudicators are contradictory, a third arbitrator is requested to make the final decision, which may be: Approved, approved with modifications or rejected. This process takes up to two months.

The evaluation process in the two stages is developed in an average period of 3 months and takes into account the criteria of originality, relevance, relevance of the findings, management of specialized theory, methodological rigor, congruence, argumentative clarity, and quality of the writing.

When the outcome of the evaluation process is made known to the authors, in the approving cases they must comply with the observations made by the Editorial Committee and by the arbitrators. They will have a period of up to 20 calendar days to make adjustments and submit the new version of the work, explicitly stating the revisions made and/or presenting arguments about those that could not be dealt with.

The Editorial Committee reserves the last word on the publication of the proposals and the number in which they will be included. Based on this, the authors will be informed of the fascicle and date on which it will be published. Minor style corrections that the journal considers relevant may be made during this process.

Authors should be aware of the journal's notifications, either through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) electronic platform or through e-mail; as well as fulfilling the obligations for authors detailed in the section on publishing practices.