Ethical principles

Debates por la Historia adheres to the ethical principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics in its core principles (see more)

Any academic material, of whatever nature, research paper, theoretical paper or publication review, shall be unpublished and may not be subject to an pending evaluation by another periodical or book publication.

Any paper or review submitted for publication shall be subject to the thematic scope of the journal Debates por la Historia.

The originals received will be considered a definitive version and modifications will only be accepted in the express case that dictators so request, so that the work can be published according to their indications; or, at the request of the journal Debates por la Historia.

Debates por la Historia will acknowledge receipt of all material submitted for publication.

The management and the Editorial Committee of Debates por la Historia are may reject texts, prior to the process of opinion, if they consider that they do not comply with the minimum standards of quality, adequate bibliographic citation, writing or thematic.

Debates por la Historia reserves the right to correct the wording of any material when it deems it appropriate and with strict respect for the work of the authors, in order to approve criteria and to clear doubts or confusion arising from the style.

The authors do not receive payment for the published texts and they do not pay for their publication.

The authors must sign a Statement of originality (download) that they must submit along with a proposal to start with the evaluation process.

The authors must sign a Letter of Assignment of Rights once they are notified that their paper or review was approved for publication, which will be provided by the Technical Secretariat.

The evaluation process will begin once the Editorial Board of Debates por la Historia verifies the overall compliance with editorial standards.

The papers and reviews, once approved the first stage of evaluation, will be ruled under the principle of double blind, process in which authors and evaluators are anonymous.

Debates por la Historia will inform the authors whose papers are admitted for publication, immediately after the decision has been taken.

Debates por la Historia considers unacceptable behavior whenever authors:

  1. Do not respect the deadlines set by the journal during the editorial process.
  2. Remove text when it is already in the process of being accepted.
  3. Make substantive or content changes to the final version of texts that have been accepted and not requested by the dictators.
  4. Add or omit co-authors that do not appear since the initial submission of the paper.

Allegations of bad practices

Bad practices can be identified by members of the Editorial Committee, Council, authors, dictators, or readers, in which case the accusations will be dealt with as long as they are substantiated and evidence is given. To initiate attention to these cases – and as far as possible – the flow charts proposed by cope will be taken as support and reference, adapting them to the structure of the journalDebates por la Historia.

Examples of bad practices in authorship may include plagiarism, autoplagiarism, prior publication of the same material, falsification of data and research results, among others.

The first responder will be the Director of the journal, who in the first instance will contact the appointed author to make his/her knowledge of the specific case and request a response to the allegation, without revealing the name of the person who did so. In the event that a satisfactory response is not received, an investigation will be carried out.

The case will be shared with the members of the Editorial Committee, who will make a decision on the basis of the evidence given and the severity of the case, which may result in the annulment of the paper of the review or editing process, or the removal of the paper if it is published on the journal's page.

Where the infraction is serious and involves a violation of the law, the case shall be taken by the competent authorities to follow up the case in accordance with the applicable regulations.

If necessary or useful to the scientific community, the universities or research centers of the author under investigation may be involved in the case, as well as the corresponding governmental agencies (Conacyt, for Mexico).

In order to prevent and deal early with cases of malpractice, the use of a digital plagiarism detection system has been implemented in which all papers are submitted before being accepted for evaluation, where the level of similarity with other texts is identified. in addition to the information cited being correctly attributed to the original authorship.

Complaint handling process

Complaints will be received from members of the Editorial Committee, Editorial Board, authors, dictators or readers provided that there is justification, which will be handled according to the guidelines and flow diagrams of COPE, as well as the internal rules of the journalDebates por la Historia.

In no case will the complaint resolution process involve revealing the identity of reviewers. Any complaint about an evaluation process will be addressed provided that the author identifies possible errors in the revision of the text, but the reviewer's ability will not be questioned.

The complaints shall be addressed in writing to the Director of the journal, with all the necessary arguments and evidence to consider the case. If necessary, the Director shall seek the support of the Editorial Committee or the Editorial Board with any of the members who are expert in the subject of the paper being evaluated or published.

A response will be given to the complaint within a maximum period of one month.