Research papers

Research papers must be original and unpublished and comply with the following requirements:

  1. Title in Spanish and English translation.
  2. Abstract, not more than 250 words. The topic must be explicitly stated, along with its theoretical support, methodological approach, main findings, and most relevant conclusions. It is structured in a single paragraph and avoids the use of acronyms and author references.
  3. Keywords: Maximum five, sorted alphabetically, not included in the title, and alluding to complete ideas.
  4. Abstract, English translation of abstract.
  5. Keywords, English keywords.
  6. Full text with an extension between 6000 and 9000 words. The choice of paragraphs is up to the author, but should at least state the topic he/she addresses, review the most recent theoretical discussions on the subject, explain the methodology and sources consulted, show the main findings, obtaining conclusions that derive from the objectives of the work and presenting a list of the references consulted.
  7. Format: 12-point times New Roman font, single line spacing, justified alignment, 6-point spacing between paragraphs, and no indent.a space must be given before each title or subtitle and no starting indent is used in paragraphs.
  8. Use Microsoft® Word® word processor or compatible word processor.
  9. References must be listed according to the APA style guidelines (7th edition). They should be listed in alphabetical order, with hanging indentation, and only those that are properly referenced in the body of the work should be listed.


Theoretical papers

Theoretical papers must be original and unpublished and comply with the following requirements:

  1. Title in Spanish and English translation.
  2. Abstract, not more than 250 words. The topic must be explicitly stated, along with its theoretical support, methodological approach, main findings, and most relevant conclusions. It is structured in a single paragraph and avoids the use of acronyms and author references.
  3. Keywords: Maximum five, sorted alphabetically, not included in the title, and alluding to complete ideas.
  4. Abstract, English translation of abstract.
  5. Keywords, English keywords.
  6. Full text with an extension between 6000 and 9000 words. The choice of paragraphs is up to the author, but should at least state the topic he/she addresses, review the most recent theoretical discussions on the subject, explain the methodology and sources consulted, discuss the author’s dissertation or main point, and include conclusions obtained from the analysis and a list of references.
  7. Format: 12-point times New Roman font, single line spacing, justified alignment, 6-point spacing between paragraphs, and no indent.a space must be given before each title or subtitle and no starting indent is used in paragraphs.
  8. Use Microsoft® Word® word processor or compatible word processor.
  9. References must be listed according to the APA style guidelines (7th edition). They should be listed in alphabetical order, with hanging indentation, and only those that are properly referenced in the body of the work should be listed.



The reviews should refer to publications (books, journals, memoirs, etc.) which, due to the relevance of their content, contribute to discussion and analysis in the field of History of Education. They must comply with the follwing requirements:

  1. Title in Spanish and English translation.
  2. Critical analysis of the content of the publication outlined in a maximum length of 3,500 words. The analysis should highlight the work’s main characteristics and assess or establish relationships to its main problems, works, or discussions in the field of the History of Education, which at the same time serve as an invitation to reading the work. The choice of paragraphs is up to the author.
  3. Format: 12-point times New Roman font, single line spacing, justified alignment, 6-point spacing between paragraphs, and no indent.a space must be given before each title or subtitle and no starting indent is used in paragraphs.
  4. Use Microsoft® Word® word processor or compatible word processor.
  5. References must be listed according to the APA style guidelines (7th edition). They should be listed in alphabetical order, with hanging indentation, and only those that are properly referenced in the body of the work should be listed.


The authors’ information shall be included in a separate file, not within the text of the proposal, and shall contain the full name of each author in order of participation, institutional affiliation, telephone number, and e-mail.


The submission of proposals will be made using the journal’s Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform with the e-mail address, where a user profile must be created in, in which the relevant data must be provided (first name, last name, institutional affiliation, country, email, username, and password). The system must then be accessed with the new username and password, selecting the “Nuevo envío” (“New Submission”) option and providing the requested information. At first, only mandatory fields are required, while unknown information may be blank. Only in special cases or in countries with technological barriers can the papers be submitted via email to


In addition to the files of the proposal and document with information about the authors, a Statement of Originality (Download Format) must be submitted. It is important to mention that this is an original and unpublished work that is not being submitted simultaneously to another publication, while respecting copyright and giving credit to the works and authors cited in the document.


The publication of original works in the journal Debates por la Historia does not give any right to remuneration. Authors may use the final version of their paper in electronic sites and repositories and/or in print media.