Trajectories, social capital and inflection points: life story of a delinquent adolescent
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correctional education
penitentiary treatment
social reinsertion

How to Cite

García Vázquez, E. E., & Pérez Piñón, F. A. . (2021). Trajectories, social capital and inflection points: life story of a delinquent adolescent. Debates Por La Historia, 9(2), 219–249.



The objective of this research paper is to make known the life story of a young offender in a social reinsertion center as part of a more complete research work. In the life story that is presented here, it is analyzed from the life-course theory perspective, making emphasis in the trajectories, social capital and turning points that led the interviewed subject to be deprived from freedom. Additionally it is presented an analysis of the education received in the Specialized Center of Social Reinsertion of Young Offenders (CERSAI) in the state of Chihuahua, México. The dialogic communication was made in the center with a 17-year-old girl sentenced for the felony of possession of weapons and illegal substances. It was decided to use her life story as a method to obtain the information and to know her whole context since childhood to adolescence. In the main findings it was identified a problematic familiar trajectory and complex sentimental relationships. This shows a deficient social reinsertion treatment, with poor innovative educational programs due to the lack of budget and interest from the government. We conclude that the internment in the correctional results ineffective and it does not give the necessary tools for the subject social reinsertion. Therefore the will and attitude of the adolescent to move forward is the most realistic scenario of being reinserted again to the society in a positive way.
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