Anti-plagiarism policy

The authors of manuscripts are entirely responsible for the content of their collaborations, as well as ensuring that they are original and unpublished.

As a policy for the prevention of plagiarism,debates by historyreserves the right to review, through the use of free anti-plagiarism software (Plagiarism Detector), all manuscripts sent for publication, Using the criteria outlined intagging ten types of unoriginal work by Turniting:

  1. Cloning: Present another person's work as his or her own, copied word by word.
  2. Tile: Material copied from multiple sources that fit well.
  3. Copying and pasting: Include large text passages from a single font without modifying them.
  4. Remix: Mix paraphrased material extracted from multiple sources.
  5. Recycled: Borrow broad passages from a previous own work without including quotes.
  6. Reuse: Correctly quote the sources by making too much use of the original structure and/or terms of the text.
  7. Find and Replace: Change key words and expressions without altering the essential content of the fonts.
  8. RSS Feed: Quote the sources correctly, but almost without including paragraphs with their own creation.
  9. Error 404: Cite non-existent sources or include inaccurate information about sources.
  10. Hybrid: Combine perfectly quoted fonts with copied fragments without including quotes.

If a plagiarism practice is detected, the manuscript will be discarded for publication, and the editorial committee of the journal will review the case and determine a sanction according to its seriousness.