TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XV (1) e 754 (2021)
ISSN-e: 2683-3360
Artículo Científico
Diagnosis of health and safety at work in a Fire
Station located in Chihuahua, Mexico
Diagnóstico de salud y seguridad en el trabajo en una Estación de
Bomberos ubicada en Chihuahua, México
*Correspondencia: Correo Electrónico bbeltran@uach.mx (Blanca G. Beltrán)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54167/tecnociencia.v15i1.754
Recibido: 15 de enero de 2021; Aceptado: 03 demayo de 2021
Publicado por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, a través de la Dirección de Investigación y Posgrado.
This research presents a diagnosis of safety and health at work based on the Italian Worker´s
Model, for the identification of occupational risk factors of 10 firefighters from Chihuahua, Mexico.
The study variables were: noise, hearing threshold (UA by its acronyms in Spanish), suspended
particles, weight, and body mass index (BMI). The REBA method was employed to detect
ergonomic risks in ascending-descending to the fire unit. Psychosocial demands were evaluated
through DAAS 21 instrument. The level of correlation among hearing threshold (UA), seniority,
age, and BMI were analyzed. The noise exceeded the Maximum Permissible Level (MPL)
established by the Mexican standard. Firefighters with mild to moderate hearing loss were
detected. All the firefighters except one were overweight and obese (BMI = 23 to 30). There was no
correlation between BMI and UA, which indicates the condition of overweight and obese are not
associated with the firefighters’ hearing loss. The concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 particles was
found within the MPL. The ergonomic risk was categorized from medium to very high. The results
of the DASS 21 for each worker showed the presence of moderate stress, moderate anxiety, and
severe anxiety. The research provides scientific evidence that shows occupational risk factors and
helps to take preventive measures.
Key words: Italian Worker´s Model, firefighters, occupational risk factors, working conditions,
safety and health at work.
Sergio González González1, Rosa O. Ramírez Fraire2, Adriana Chávez Calderón2, Eduardo
Santellano Estrada3 y Blanca G. Beltrán2*
1Pondercel S.A. de C.V., Anáhuac Mill/Grupo Copamex, Anáhuac, Chihuahua, México. C.P. 31600.
2Department of Occupational Health, Faculty of Nursing and Nutriology, Autonomous University of
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Campus UACH II, Chihuahua, México. C.P. 31125.
3Faculty of Zootechnics and Ecology, Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Periférico Francisco. R.
Almada Km 1. Chihuahua, Chihuahua, México. C.P. 33820.
Sergio González-González et al.,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XV (1) e 754 (2021)
Esta investigación presenta un diagnóstico de seguridad y salud en el trabajo basado en el Modelo
Obrero Italiano, para identificación de factores de riesgo ocupacional en 10 bomberos de
Chihuahua, México. Las variables de estudio fueron: ruido, pérdida auditiva, partículas en
suspensión, peso e índice de masa corporal (IMC). Se empleó el método REBA para evaluar riesgos
ergonómicos. Las demandas psicosociales se valoraron mediante el DAAS 21. Se analizó el nivel de
correlación entre umbral de audición (UA), antigüedad, edad e IMC. El ruido excedió el Máximo
Nivel Permitido (MPL) establecido por norma mexicana. Se detectaron bomberos con hipoacusia
leve a moderada. Todos los bomberos, excepto uno, tenían sobrepeso y obesidad (IMC = 23 a 30).
No existió correlación entre IMC y UA, lo que indicó que la condición de sobrepeso y obesidad no
está asociada a la hipoacusia de los bomberos. La concentración de PM2.5 y PM10 estuvo dentro del
MPL. El riesgo ergonómico se categorizó de medio a muy alto. Los resultados del DASS 21 para
cada trabajador mostraron la presencia de estrés moderado, ansiedad moderada y severa. La
investigación brinda evidencia científica que muestra factores de riesgo ocupacional y coadyuva a
la toma de medidas de prevención.
Palabras clave: Modelo Obrero Italiano, bomberos, factores de riesgo ocupacional, condiciones
de trabajo, seguridad y salud en el trabajo.
1. Introduction
In occupational health, firefighting is classified as a high-risk activity because it takes place in
dangerous environments and conditions. It might cause a permanent disability, injuries in different
parts of the body, hearing loss, burns, and muscle contractions, respiratory damages due to
exposures to leaks of hazardous chemical compounds, combustion, and deadly gases (Guidotti &
Clough, 1992; Díaz et al., 2016; Prell et al., 2020). More than 50% fire-related deaths are due to the
exposure to smoke not due to burns. There are mortal accidents of firefighters caused by the
collapse of architectural elements that sometimes block the possible evacuation routes during a
disaster (Barr et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2014). The firefighter’s brigade, between the general working
population, frequently shows symptoms related to stress, headache, sleep disorders, fatigue, and
irritability (Duran et al., 2018). The working conditions of firefighters are most distinctive among
the working population because of the 24-hour work shifts, the quasi-military work organization,
and the pattern of generally routine firehouse-based activities interspersed with unpredictable calls
for emergency medical care or to fight structural or wildland fires.
In addition to the factors mentioned above, obesity is a firefighter’s risk factor, which has been
linked to increased hearing thresholds. The body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body
composition. Overweight and obesity are associated with an increased risk of hearing loss, and
metabolically unhealthy obesity may confer additional risk (Choi et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2020).
Hearing loss contributes to social isolation, depression, and possibly dementia risk (Croll, 2019).
Firefighters are exposed to other demands such as disaster missions, rescue services, as well as
firefighting in extremely hot and hostile environments (Prell et al., 2020). Due to the firefighter’s
brigade, before the general working population, they frequently show symptoms related to stress,
headache, sleep disorders, fatigue, and irritability (Duran et al., 2018). The Depression, Anxiety, and
Stress Scale (DASS 21), evaluates these negative effects.
Sergio González-González et al.,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XV (1) e 754 (2021)
Due to health and safety implications in firefighting, new research needs to be conducted to
examine how firefighters' task characteristics and their work demand influence the development of
work-related musculoskeletal disorders (Kodom-Wiredu, 2019). Currently, research models are
used to contribute to the knowledge base about the ergonomics of firefighting, in particular to find
the multi-variate demands of the job and the attributes and capabilities of operators to cope with
these demands (Gentzlez, 2010). The work-related musculoskeletal disorders imply a wide range of
inflammatory and degenerative conditions affecting muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, peripheral
nerves, and supporting blood vessels (Kodom-Wiredu, 2019). Regarding ergonomy, the method
Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), allows the analysis of adopted positions by upper body
limbs (arm, forearm, wrist), trunk, neck, and legs.
Firefighters are exposed to a wide range of toxic chemicals due to combustion (volatile organic
compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, and metals) (Engelsman et al., 2020). On the other
hand, firefighters may be exposed to diesel exhaust, which is classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by
the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and particulate matter (PM) from vehicles
and off-gas (volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, among others) emitted from idling
vehicles and firefighting equipment, such as clothes, boots, and gloves, from the fire scene (Kim et
al., 2019).
Due to the complexity in the administrative organization and its work processes, it is hard to
evaluate the multiple risks and demands to which firefighters are exposed. There are discrepancies
between the international standard and the health and safety regulations of each country (Ehlers et
al., 2015; Alvarez et al., 2016; Duran et al., 2018; Cohen et al., 2019; Prell et al., 2020).
From this point of view, the objective of this research was to perform a diagnosis of safety and
health at work based on the Italian Worker´s Model, for risk identification and the determination of
physiological and psychological demands in a fire station in Chihuahua, Mexico.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Subjects and design
This was an exploratory, cross-sectional study. It involved ten firefighters from a fire station
located in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico. All of them aged between 27-47 years old having a
traditional or rotating work schedule. The study protocol was evaluated by the Institutional Review
Board of the Faculty of Nursing and Nutriology, at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua,
Chihuahua, Mexico, according to the Declaration of Helsinki. The data was recollected in the year
2.2. Instruments and evaluations
2.2.1 Italian Worker´s Model and the PROESSAT survey
The Italian Worker´s Model, recognizes the collective intelligence of the workers as experts
regarding to working conditions and it operates under three fundamental values: working
experience, consensual validation and the non-delegation (Marín & Pico, 2004). The risks are
studied in three groups: physical (I), chemical and biological (II), and mechanical (V); and the
demands in two groups: physiological (III) and psychological (IV) (Noriega, 1995). They originate
from the different compound elements that make up the process work: in work environments,
objects, activity, organization, and work division (Voguel, 2016). The Italian Worker´s Model has
two basic instruments: I) Collective survey: it collects information, elements, and organization,
through the guide for the study of the labor process and the group questionnaire; II) Risk map: it is
Sergio González-González et al.,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XV (1) e 754 (2021)
the visual representation through drawings, schemes, diagrams or any similar form of the results
from the research (Zarate-Amador, 2013).
Its application began with the recognition of the work process and some of the places where the
workforce carried out their activities. The homogeneous group was conformed. A deep interview
based on the questionnaires that make up the instrument within the working hours, was
conducted, using a PowerPoint presentation to visually present the questionnaires. The
participations were audio recorded to ease the analysis of the information. The procedure included
eight sessions of three hours each within the working day and with informed consent, being the
recordings eliminated after their capture.
An epidemiological type survey such as the “Workers’ Health Evaluation and Monitoring
Program” in Mexico (PROESSAT by its acronyms in Spanish), was used to capture the
demographic, social, risks, demands, and health issues (Balderas-López, 2019). The PROESSAT
survey identifies the presence of symptoms that allow make up presumptive diagnoses of various
health damages, including mental, psychic, psychosomatic disorders, and musculoskeletal. The
printed form of the PROESSAT survey was given to the firefighters who voluntarily participated in
its filling.
2.2.2 DASS 21 instrument
The DASS 21 instrument has the advantage of being a self-report instrument; short, easy to answer
with valuable psychometric properties (alpha values from 0.87 to 0.88 for depression, between 0.72
and 0.79 for anxiety and from 0.82 to 0.83 to stress) in several studies (Elbay et al., 2020; Jian et al.,
2020). It was done in writing, each item is answered according to the presence and intensity of each
symptom, on a Likert-type response scale of 0 to 3 points. Each scale has seven items and its total
score varies between 0 and 21 points to know the levels of stress, anxiety, and depression (Elbay et
al., 2020).
2.2.3 Noise Measurements
The noise coming from the Ford Model 1982 extinguishing class was evaluated, in its different
sirens; truck in moto-pump phase (in areas of the control panel and water intakes); fan noise and
hydraulic tool motor. A total of 180 measurements were executed by generating source. The
integrating sound level meter was used (SoundPro Datalogging, 3 M brand, US) following the
recommendations of the Mexican regulation (NOM-011-STPS-2001).
2.2.4 Audiometry study and BMI calculations
It was carried out based on the method of American Medical Association (AMA), to know the
auditory sensitivity of the firefighters. The auditory canal was examined with a stethoscope, to
verify that the ducts were free and there was not any inflammation or pathology. The participant
had to stay 15 minutes previous to the trial, outside of a noisy environment and without making
major physical efforts. It was played only the audiometry tone in a cabin with an INVENTIS
instrument (model Bell basic/plus AU1D-31, US). The data was processed by a DAISY Inventis
Software computer. The firefighter responded to the auditory impulses he perceived by pressing a
button. The frequencies evaluated were 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000 Hz. Then, it was
proceeded to weigh and measure the participant’s height, to calculate their body mass index (BMI).
2.2.5 Measurements of gases and suspended particles
It was performed in three different areas: machines room, out-of-room station, and the living room.
In the mobile unit 871, three measurements of 15 minutes were executed, placing the environmental
monitor at 1.5 meters from the exhaust of the mobile unit, simulating the distance and height at
which the personnel are at the time of work. The instrument used was a 3M EVM-7 air and
particle quality monitor, US. The density of the evaluated particles was 2.5 and 10 μg·m-3 and the
toxic gases selected for the environmental measurements were: dioxide and monoxide carbon (CO2
Sergio González-González et al.,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XV (1) e 754 (2021)
and CO), acetaldehyde, propaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOC), such as:
chlorobenzene, formaldehyde, toluene, and benzene. Based on what is stablished in the Mexican
regulations NOM-010-STPS-2014 and NOM-025-SSA1-2014 (NOM-025-SSA1-2014 & NOM-010-
STPS-2014), the data analysis was carried out.
2.2.6 Ergonomics analysis
The REBA applications are related to preventing injury risks, which are associated with the posture,
mainly of the musculoskeletal type, indicating corrective actions. It is the result of cooperative work
carried out by teams of ergonomists, physiotherapists, and nurses after identifying/analyzing
around 600 working postures (Hita-Gutiérrez et al., 2020).
Two work activities were considered: approaching the unit and rolling hoses, which are carried out
regularly for the workday and marked as potentially harmful by the worker, due to uncomfortable
positions adopted and repetitiveness. It was observed the ascent-descent of the personnel to the
unit and techniques of rolling hose in the ground, during 72 hours to be registered and evaluated in
photos and video. The information was processed in an Excel spreadsheet, the degrees of
inclination of joints, extra loads, and sudden movements were evaluated to quantify the level of
risk in the adopted positions. The risk factors evaluated are: static muscular works, important
postural changes, repetitive movements, obtaining punctuation, level of action, risk and required
2.3. Statistical analysis
Data were presented characterized in their central tendency and dispersion through the mean
±SD (standard deviation), respectively. Additionally, and assuming the data distribution was
normal the Pearson correlation between pairs of variables was obtained. The most frequently used
α values are: 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10 (Wayne, 2005). The p-value or significance level of 0.1 was
stipulated at the authors' discretion. The SAS 9.1 (SAS, 2006) software was used in the analysis.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Diagnosis of safety and health at work
In México, there is not much information available in this regard, partly because firefighters only
have initial medical assistance (medical consultation) within the services allowed by the Mexican
Institute of Social Security (IMSS by its acronyms in Spanish), but workplace risks and accidents are
addressed by the State Health Department, as this institution is not obliged to generate statistics for
occupational diseases, it is difficult to have concrete figures (Meléndez-López et al., 2018).
Other relevant problems are the lack of financial resources for the payment of salaries similar to
purchase and equipment, and more training. All of the above affects fire departments with very few
personnel, since, in certainty, this public service becomes an altruistic endeavor rather than a job
(Bárcenas-Castro & Aguilera, 2012). The subjective identification of the risks and demands through
the Italian Worker´s Model questionnaires, are presented in Figure 1. The application of the
PROESSAT survey allowed describing the generalities of the study population and allows the
calculation of a risk percentage. The age range was around 27-44 years old, with an average of 37
years. The working seniority varies around 4-23 years, 50% of the firefighters present a high
domestic load index and 100% is identified and proud of their work. Both methodologies were in
agreement with the individual characterization of the physical risks (sudden changes in
temperature, poor lighting, and humidity), chemical risks (dusts, fumes, and gases or vapors), and
physiological demands (awkward positions and musculoskeletal disorders) and psychosocial
Sergio González-González et al.,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XV (1) e 754 (2021)
demands (high concentration, meticulous tasks, night work, strict supervision, rescue of people in
danger). Regarding worker´s health it was identified damages to the musculoskeletal and
respiratory system and other symptoms such as physical fatigue, depression and anxiety, sleep
disorder, migraine, and low back pain were identified. Most of the activities of the firefighters are
carried out outside the facilities, which makes it difficult to graphically represent the risks and
demands in a static and geographically located plane. Therefore, it was not possible to design a risk
Figure 1. Subjective identification of risks and demands through the Italian Worker´s Model and PROESSAT
Figura 1. Identificación subjetiva de riesgos y demandas mediante el Modelo Obrero Italiano y la encuesta
This research performed a diagnosis of safety and health at work based on the Italian Worker´s
Model and PROESSAT survey for the identification of risks at a fire station in Chihuahua, Mexico.
The main risks and demands found are related to other studies, where five large risk areas for
firefighters are mentioned: exposure to hazardous substances, ergonomic factors and of physical
load, exposure to noise, psychosocial aspect and exposure to biological and chemical risks (Duran et
al., 2018; Prell et al., 2020).
Sergio González-González et al.,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XV (1) e 754 (2021)
3.2. The DAAS 21 results
The DASS21 measurements were realized as follows: The instrument has 21 items, with four
response alternatives in Likert format, which range from 0 ("It does not describe anything that
happened to me or I felt during the week") to 3 ("Yes, this happened to me a lot, or almost always ").
To answer, the slogan establishes to indicate to what extent the sentence describes what happened
or felt the person during the last week. This instrument has the advantage of being a self-reporting
scale, short, easy to administer and answer, and its interpretation is simple. The obtained results for
stress (6.9-10.4), anxiety (5.3-5.4) and depression (2.5-2.8), are within the normal range for the three
scales (0-14, 0-7, 0-9 for stress, anxiety, and depression, respectively) in a general analysis. However,
six of the participants presented moderate stress, three mild anxieties and another one severe
anxiety. These results were similar to those obtained with the PROESSAT in its section Assessment
of Risk and Demands. The psychosocial risk assessment was carried out by a student with a
master's degree in Occupational Health and he is not a specialist in the administration of
psychological tests, which requires making recommendations that are not of such a specialized
interpretation. The results must be expressed simply and clearly to the company management since
psychosocial risks related to working concern aspects of work management, social and
organizational contexts, with the ability to generate psychological or physical damage. Psychosocial
risks cannot, analysed as environmental measurements rather than individual measurements
(psychological attributes). The individual results for each worker’s DASS 21 scale show the fact that
six firefighters had moderate stress, three firefighters had moderate anxiety and one firefighter had
severe anxiety, that is to say, these three pathologies are present even though the DASS-21 general
analysis scale does not detect them. Besides, health damage analysis (PROESSAT survey) also
showed physical fatigue, depression, stress, anxiety, sleep disorder, and migraine. From these
points of view, it was possible to determine that psychosocial risks were present in the firefighters'
sample. This fact was important due to these pathologies: stress, anxiety, and depression. Their
consequences are the core point of interest for understanding psychosocial risk factors because their
repercussions on both health and productivity (Vilchis-Rea & López-Hernández, 2017; Balderas-
López et al., 2019; Uribe et al., 2020).
3.3. Noise
The results of the measurements made to unit 875 with a normal operation management, where
the sound levels and the different sirens of the engine were evaluated, are shown in Table 1. The
exposure time will depend on the distance of the service and the number of the emergencies
required during the day. The exposure to the noise is considerable inside and outside the cabin. The
noise results for the unit 871 with the revolutionized engine and the water pressure pump activated
was 83.7 ± 0.2 dB (A), evaluated at the floor level in water intake area. In the control panel it was
81 ± 0.8 dB (A), areas where the machinist operator does his work. The evaluation of the noise
generated by the fan, used in the cooling or extraction of air, is performed both, indoors and
outdoors, the results were 95.3 ± 2.3 dB (A) and 93.2 ± 2.8 dB (A), respectively. The hydraulic tool
motor for extraction generates 81.3 ± 0.7 dB (A).
Sergio González-González et al.,
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Table 1. Noise measurements performed to the unit 871.
Tabla 1. Mediciones de ruido realizadas en la unidad 871.
Note: Results were expressed as the average of 180 replicas ± Standard Deviation.
The results of noise measurements are consistent with what has been reported in other researches
where it is indicated firefighters are frequently exposed to high levels of noise from various sources:
vehicle sirens, horns, machine and tool motors. Levels of more than 100 dB (A) can be reached in
the response to emergencies (Alvarez et al., 2016; Cohen et al., 2019). In this research, the noise
values exceeded the maximum limits allowed by the Mexican standard (NOM-011-STPS-2001).
Exposure to noise at work can be harmful to health from the workers. The best-known effect of
noise at work is hearing loss. However, it can also increase stress and multiply the risk of an
3.4. Audiometry
Choi et al., (2011) presented a theoretical framework describing the relationship between
working conditions, health behaviors, and obesity in firefighters. However, the associations
between working conditions of firefighters and obesity, and the relationships between working
conditions and health behaviours for obesity in firefighters remain to be clarified.
There are diverse factors such as overweight, obesity, age, and time of exposure to noise appears,
that influence the hearing loss. Table 2 shows the results of the audiometry (applied to nine
firefighters) their age, BMI, labor seniority, the hearing threshold obtained and their categorization
according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The results of the measurements showed that
there is hearing loss among the studied firefighters and a low hearing of the personnel in the
frequencies of 4000 6000 Hz. This phenomenon shows that the ear has a higher difficulty for a post
occupational recovery. On the other hand, the level of linear association between the measured
variables was analyzed, considering a significant correlation at a level of 0.1, since, the sample of
firefighters is small. Table 3 shows coefficients correlation between the hearing threshold (UA),
seniority, age and BMI.
Table 2. Results of the audiometry study.
Tabla 2. Resultados del estudio de audiometría.
dB (A)
Hearing loss levels
Running engine
Sirens Wail
Sirens Yelp
Inside the cabin
73.8 ± 4.9
94.3 ±1.6
94.3 ±1.6
Outside seats
75 ± 4
94.7 ±1.4
94.5 ±1.1
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*BMI= body mass index; UA= hearing threshold.
There was a strong direct linear association (r = 0.65, p= 0.0574), between the labor seniority of
firefighters and UA. It means, being firefighters as their years of service increases their auditory
level decreases in a high proportion, being that their UA are increasing. Likewise, a positive
correlation between the variables “Age” and “Seniority was found (r = 0.72, p= 0.074). As
firefighter’s age increases, so will their seniority. Moreover, there is not enough statistical evidence,
but it does exist a trend between the correlation of the variables “Age” and “UA” (r = 0.53, p= 0.14).
Which suggests that for this study and under the conditions, in which the same is carried out, age
can be or not, a risk factor for suffering hearing loss. A similar behaviour (r = 0.54, p= 0.13) occurs
between the variables “BMI” and “seniority,” that is to say, the younger firefighters with a less
seniority present a higher BMI.
Table 3. Correlation Analysis.
Tabla 3. Análisis de correlación.
Ratio of Variables
Significance Level
Correlation Coefficient
( r )
Seniority *UA
Age UA
Age Seniority
BMI Seniority
*BMI= body mass index; UA= hearing threshold.
Finally, it did not exist a linear correlation between the “BMI and the “UA” (r = 0.11, p= 0.76).
Which indicates that the condition of overweight and obesity (BMI) is not associated with the
firefighters’ hearing loss.
The firefighters show hearing loss and low hearing at frequencies of 4000 and 6000 Hz. Researchers
agree on the fact there is a greater hearing loss after the sixth year of exposure and a loss in hearing
acuity at the highest frequencies between 3000 Hz and 6000 Hz, in particular, around 4000 Hz
(Bufano, 2013), that is, as firefighters increases their years of service, their hearing level decreases.
In this study and under the conditions in which it takes place, age can be or not a factor of risk for
suffering hearing loss (there was a trend between age and UA variables). Despite this, the natural
aging of the ear by age must be taken into account, which will affect each individual in a different
way (Hong et al., 2013), because, the hearing loss related to aging is a biological phenomenon of the
ear which no one can escape, beginning around 20 to 30 years of age and it appears symptoms at 50
to 60 years of age. Therefore, it could be considered as a natural condition that increases its
prevalence with age (Díaz et al., 2016).
The BMI was calculated and used as an indicator for obese and overweight, conditions can affect
the metabolism of glucose in the body causing internal ear dysfunction with damage to hearing and
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balance (Fernández et al., 2011). Due to obesity has a significant effect on vascular function, and this
may have an impact on highly vascular organs such as the auditory system (Dhanda and Taheri,
2017). According to the results, all the firefighters in the study, except one, were overweight
(BMI=23) and obese (BMI=30). However, the correlation analysis showed for this study, the variable
of BMI and auditory threshold, does not correlate, which indicates the condition of overweight and
obesity are not associated with the firefighters’ hearing loss. However, in order to prevent the
obesity risk factor a nutritional intervention program for firefighters was recommended. These
programs often include personal diet, hereditary factors, psychological evaluations, and physical
activation (Choi et al., 2011). Nutritional Intervention Program is considered to improve the
variables of BMI and weight. Reduction of overweight and obese in firefighters is promoted.
Besides, these two conditions are strongly associated with other non-communicable diseases such
as diabetes and high blood pressure.
3.5. Measurements of gases and suspended particles
At the scene of a fire, firefighters are frequently exposed to CO, CO2 and VOC, among others
(Guidotti & Clough, 1992). The values found for benzene, VOC, propaldehyde, acetaldehyde, were
3.7, 4.2, 7.7, 24.2 ppm, respectively (Table 4 and Figure 2). The concentration of benzene (3.7 ppm)
exceeds the MPL established by NOM-010-STPS-2014 (2.5 ppm). Acetaldehyde was found near the
MPL (25 ppm). The same regulation establishes an MPL of 30,000 ppm for CO2. The values found
(912.5 ppm), are within the MPL (working day of eight hours a day and a working week of forty
hours). The CO was found at a concentration of 19.44 ppm, a value below the 200 ppm for CO,
established by the Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) (Ehlers et al., 2015).
Table 4. Comparison between VOCs obtained values and MPL’s by the NOM-010-STPS-2014.
Tabla 4. Comparación entre los valores obtenidos y los MPL permitidos por la NOM-010-STPS-2014
aObtained values (ppm)
MPL’s by NOM-010 (ppm)
VOCs (total)
4.2 ± 0.3
37 ± 0.5
7.7 ± 0.1
24.2 ± 0.5
a*Results were expressed as the average of 3 replicas ± Standard Deviation.
*Value not found.
In this research, measurement of gases and particles were carried out in the transport unit, where it
was found benzene concentrations were higher than the MPL by the regulation consulted. These
compounds represent a chemical risk, especially due to combustion fumes and the difficulty of
analyzing them, since their concentration varies depending on the stage of the fire, and their
emission continues even after the fire extinguishes (Vilchis-Rea, 2017). This implies the firefighters'
exposure to these chemical substances, which cause effects such as deterioration and affectation of
the lung tissue some pass into the bloodstream and other parts of the body, preventing the red
blood cells from carrying oxygen. Besides, breathing them can cause loss of consciousness,
suffocation, poisoning, even death. The symptoms will depend on the dose and the time of
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Figure 2. Comparison between VOCs obtained values and MPL’s by the NOM-010-STPS-2014.
Source: Table 4.
Figura 2. Comparación entre los valores obtenidos y los MPL permitidos por la NOM-010-STPS-2014.
Fuente: Tabla 4.
The measurements obtained for PM10 and PM2.5, were of a density of 4.13 μg·m-3 and 1.88 μg·m-3,
respectively. Values that were within the corresponding normativity (NOM-025-SSA1-2014). PM2.5
and PM10 particles are associated with health problems (respiratory and cancer) (Prell et al., 2020),
however, in this investigation, the concentration of these particles was within the MPL by NOM-
025-SSA1-2014, the USEPA (35 μg·m-3 and 150 μg·m-3 for PM10 and PM2.5, respectively) and WHO
regulation (50 μg·m-3 and 25 μg·m-3 for PM10 and PM2.5, respectively) (Kim et al., 2018).
3.6. Ergonomic analysis
The analysis carried out through REBA method showed a very high risk in the ascending and
descending activity to the fire unit, as it does not have any stirrup. The punctuation calculated for
this activity was 13, with a “very highlevel of risk, which suggest immediate action. On the other
hand, hose winding activity had a punctuation of 7, with a “medium” level of risk, indicating that it
is necessary to implement the action. Due to this, it is possible that some back injuries, muscular
strains and injuries caused by falls are shown.
The results of the ergonomic measurements through the REBA, showed a categorization of risk
between “very high” and medium” in the analyzed postures. The risk was high enough for these
tasks to warrant modification and changes. The suggested recommendations given included
creating new mechanical and technical devices, modifying existing devices, and making workers
aware of associated risks to reduce the threat of injury (Hita-Gutiérrez et al., 2020). Then carry out a
re-evaluation using the REBA to obtain elements would make the authorities aware of the
investment in infrastructure and equipment of fire stations.
VOCs (total) Benzene Propaldehyde Acetaldehyde
VOCs concentration (ppm)
Obtained values (ppm) Standard values (ppm)
Sergio González-González et al.,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XV (1) e 754 (2021)
4. Conclusions
Occupational health in firefighters is a subject studied insufficiently at an international level. In
this research work was possible to realize a diagnosis of safety and health at work based on the
Italian Worker´s Model, for risk identification and the determination of physiological, and
psychological demands in a fire station in Chihuahua, Mexico. The methodology employed
included the Italian Worker´s Model and PROESSAT survey, both are widely used to diagnose
occupational health in our country. Exposure to noise is unavoidable, difficult to assess and
prevent, so the following measures are necessary to adopt such as: the elimination of risk,
acquisition of more closed cabin transport units with air conditioning system so that personnel can
be transported with closed windows, pneumatic and modern hydraulic tool, engineering measures,
implement established predictive and preventive maintenance programs, the application of a
hearing conservation program, audiometry studies on a regular basis (at least once a year), personal
protective equipment. Future biomonitoring studies recognizing and assessing the range of
firefighter’s chemical exposure would be beneficial. This study provided some data to understand
the relationship between obesity and hearing loss in the firefighters’ sample. The individual results
for each worker’s DASS 21 scale show the fact that six firefighters had moderate stress, three
firefighters had moderate anxiety and one firefighter had severe anxiety, that is to say, these three
pathologies are present even though the DASS-21 general analysis scale does not detect them. The
correlation analysis showed for this study that the variable of BMI and auditory threshold were not
correlated, which indicates the condition of overweight and obese is not associated with the
firefighters’ hearing loss. The results of the ergonomic measurements through the REBA, showed a
categorization of risk between “very high” and “medium” in the analysed postures. The risk was
high enough for these tasks to warrant modification and changes. Firefighters knew the risk
factors. However, they not knew the magnitude of negative health effects. The main contribution of
this research was the evaluation of risk factors and the dissemination of its results in the firefighting
community. Changes in the transport unit and personal protective equipment, a calisthenics
program to improve firefighters' physical strength, agility, coordination, and flexibility, were made.
Sergio Gonzalez thanks to the Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and to the
Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH), for the grant awarded to obtain a Master’s Degree
in Health in the Workplace. The authors would like to thank Firefighters department and Civil
Protection of the city of Chihuahua, México for offering raw dates to fill the IWM´s questionnaires
and PROESSAT survey.
Conflicts of interest
All authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Sergio González-González et al.,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XV (1) e 754 (2021)
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