ISSN-e: 2683-3360
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XVIII (3): e1584 (septiembre-diciembre, 2024)
Literature review paper
Teenage Pregnancy and Micronutrient Deficiency: A
Critical Review
Embarazo adolescente y deficiencia de micronutrientes: Una revisión
*Correspondencia: Correo electrónico: (Aldair Olguin-Romero)
Recibido: 22 de julio de 2024; Aceptado: 12 de noviembre de 2024
Publicado por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, a través de la Dirección de Investigación y Posgrado.
Editor de Sección: Dr. Julián Esparza-Romero
Adolescence is a critical stage where growth is at its peak and when a pregnancy occurs in this
period, it represents a greater nutritional risk for both the mother and the growing fetus. Young
pregnant adolescents are more likely to give birth to babies with certain congenital anomalies, lower
birth weight, and higher chances of infant mortality. Insufficient micronutrients in maternal
nutrition during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects in newborns. This can be attributed
to the fact that the developing fetus depends on the mother's nutrition for its proper growth,
metabolic processes, and proper development. Malnutrition during pregnancy can lead to a variety
of birth defects, including neural tube closure defects, cleft lip and palate, congenital heart defects,
and increased fetal mortality. Iron deficiency early in pregnancy in the first and second trimesters
could lead to premature birth or decreased birth weight and negatively impact the health of
newborns. Most spontaneous abortions observed in adolescents during the first trimester could be
attributed to nutritional deficiency of the mothers prior to conception. Few of the miscarriages
observed in adolescents during the first trimester could be attributed to the nutritional deficiency of
the mothers prior to conception.
Keywords: anaemia, teenagers, pregnancy, micronutrients.
Sunday Sedodo Nupo1*, Viridiana Martínez-De la Fuente2, Gabriela Ortiz-Cruz1, José Lauro
1 Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Centro de Investigación en Genética y Genómica (CIGEN), Calzada
Francisco I. Madero 1291, Zona Centro, Segundo piso, HUS, 25000 Saltillo, Coah.
2 Hospital Universitario de Saltillo “Dr. Gonzalo Valdés Valdés” (HUS). Calzada Francisco I. Madero 1291,
Zona Centro, 25000 Saltillo, Coah.
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XVIII (3): e1584 (septiembre-diciembre, 2024)
La adolescencia, etapa crítica donde el crecimiento está en su punto máximo y cuando un embarazo
ocurre en este período, representa un mayor riesgo nutricional tanto para la madre como para el feto
en crecimiento. Las jóvenes adolescentes embarazadas tienen una mayor tendencia de dar a luz a
bebés con ciertas anomalías congénitas, menor peso al nacer y mayores posibilidades de mortalidad
infantil. La insuficiencia de micronutrientes en la nutrición materna durante la gestación puede
aumentar el riesgo de defectos congénitos en los recién nacidos. Esto se puede atribuir a que el feto
en desarrollo depende de la nutrición de la madre para su adecuado crecimiento, procesos
metabólicos y adecuado desarrollo. La desnutrición durante el embarazo puede provocar una
variedad de anomalías congénitas, como defectos de cierre del tubo neural, labio y paladar hendido,
defectos cardíacos congénitos y mayor mortalidad fetal. La deficiencia de hierro al inicio del
embarazo en el primer y segundo trimestre podría provocar un parto prematuro o una disminución
del peso al nacer y un impacto negativo en la salud de los recién nacidos. Pocos de los abortos
espontáneos observados en adolescentes durante el primer trimestre podrían atribuirse a la
deficiencia nutricional de las madres antes de la concepción.
Palabras clave: anemia, adolescentes, embarazo, micronutrientes.
1. Introduction
Malnutrition refers to an imbalance in nutrition within the human body, either in excess or
deficit. This term is most associated with the latter form of malnutrition in the context of low and
middle-income countries (LMICs) [Yimer and Wolde, 2022]. The high prevalence and serious
implications of malnutrition including micronutrient deficiencies make the nutrition of teenage girls
and young women in LMICs particularly crucial (Keats et al., 2022). Malnutrition can manifest in
different ways resulting in infections, noncommunicable diseases, disability, or death. It becomes a
significant issue when observed in adolescents, who have specific nutritional requirements for their
bodies, especially during pregnancy. Micronutrient deficiencies affect two billion people living in
(LMICs). Micronutrient deficits deteriorate during pregnancy and have long-term effects on both the
mother and the fetus. Women who receive micronutrient supplements throughout pregnancy and
breastfeeding may be able to lessen these effects (Shinde et al., 2022).
Supplementing with micronutrients during pregnancy is essential for promoting good growth and
development and guarding against preterm birth and low birth weight (Bekele et al., 2024). Depletion
may result from the fetus' rapid growth and development throughout pregnancy as well as its
enlarged vascular volume (Georgieff et al., 2020). Research has indicated that inadequate intake of
certain micronutrients during pregnancy can heighten the likelihood of low birth weight and
premature deliveries (Georgieff et al., 2020). The World Health Organization (WHO) advises all
pregnant women to take a daily supplement of iron throughout their pregnancy to lessen these
effects (WHO, 2016). The deficits of certain micronutrients such as iodine, selenium, iron, zinc,
calcium, magnesium, and folate that are germane in the proper fetus formation in pregnancy and
their effects on adolescent pregnancies are the main topics of this narrative review.
Firstly, the development of the cranium is one of the most intricate processes in the human body
(Babai and Irving, 2023). Birth deformities that affect the mouth and face include cleft lip and palate.
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XVIII (3): e1584 (septiembre-diciembre, 2024)
When the tissues that make up the lip and palate don't fuse correctly during development, these
abnormalities happen. Although the exact cause of cleft lip and palate is unknown, inadequate
nutrition for expectant mothers has been associated with an increased incidence of the condition.
Another birth issue that may be connected to inadequate nourishment for the mother is heart defect.
The structure and function of the heart may be impacted by several disorders, which can range in
severity. According to research, women who consumed more folic acid both before and throughout
their first pregnancy were less likely to give birth to a baby who had a congenital heart abnormality.
Pregnant women have long utilized folic acid (FA), a synthetic version of folate, as a dietary
supplement. It has been established that supplementing with FA can prevent fetal neural tube
abnormalities (NTDs) from occurring and from recurring. On the other hand, congenital heart
disease (CHD) incidence has been rising globally in tandem (Cheng et al., 2022).
Furthermore, micronutrient deficiencies during pregnancy can have long-term effects on the
developing fetus. A prolonged period of severe nutrient shortage can result in several crises,
including weakened immune function, redox signaling, wounds scarring, and the expression of
genes that regulate the development of diseases (Zemrani and Bines, 2020). Moreover, iodine and
iron deficits have been linked to harm to the fetus' neurodevelopment (Zemrani and Bines, 2020).
The fetus has a store of nutrients during the second and third trimesters of adolescent pregnancy
that can be used after birth; as a result, children's growth during the first two years of life defined as
the child's first 1000 days is accelerated in comparison to children without adequate store of nutrients
(Beluska, 2019). This time frame is necessary for growth and development and is remarkably the
result of the dietary standards provided; if these standards are not met, the baby may experience
deficiencies in development, including brain function (Beluska, 2019). Most reviews on pregnancy
that were done on adults concentrated on vitamin D and folate (Wilson et al., 2018; Palacios et al.,
2019; Rajwar et al., 2020).
Pregnant teens should be provided with a choice of nutrient-dense foods that will support their
growth and their increased requirement for many nutrients should be highlighted. The months of
pregnancy are crucial because during this time, the mother's and the fetus' growth and development
depend more on several nutrients. The body requires the greatest amount of micronutrients at this
time to support several functions, such as bone formation and metabolic functions. Women who start
menstruating have considerably higher iron needs, and these needs only grow when they get
pregnant. Also, their need for magnesium, vitamin A, and folate rises and resembles those of adults.
Deficiencies of iron, iodine, and zinc are often neglected despite their major role in the health of
pregnant adolescents. Thus, this review focuses on the effects of selected micronutrients that are vital
to teenage pregnancy
2. Methods
This is a narrative review of studies published prior to August 2024 using "Pregnancy and
Micronutrient Deficiency / Adolescent Pregnancy and Micronutrient Deficiency” in biomedical
databases. The main inclusion criterion was that articles needed to have systematic reviews and meta-
analyses of the micronutrient status of pregnant women, teenage pregnancy, and micronutrient
deficiency. The following search strategy was applied: articles were extracted from PubMed, google
scholar, web of Science, and grey literature using the terms “Pregnancy”, “Adolescent pregnancy”,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XVIII (3): e1584 (septiembre-diciembre, 2024)
“micronutrients”, micronutrients deficiency”, and in combination with ‘’Teenage pregnancy
micronutrients efficiency”. The most relevant and essential literature in the field was identified using
expert knowledge on nutrition and incorporated into the article. These articles' titles and abstracts
were screened to determine if they fulfilled the eligibility criteria. The articles included had to be
related to pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, micronutrients, importance and deficiencies of
micronutrients. Studies were excluded if: 1) subjects did not have micronutrients deficient status
reported; 2) micronutrients status was not reported quantitatively using primary micronutrient
markers; 3) the micronutrients status was not reported in association with
prenatal/maternal/intrauterine; 4) full - length text was not available; 7) specific study types,
including, dissertations, animal studies, correspondences, editorials, conference proceedings, and
health letters.
3. Effects of minerals on teenage pregnancy and fetal development
3.1. Iodine (I)
This is a crucial part of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodide-thyronine (T3),
which regulate the thyroid gland and the immune system in several biological processes (Shahid et
al., 2024). Iodine deficiency exists throughout all life cycle but is more severe in pregnant teenagers,
lack of iodine leads to hypothyroidism and other disorders, classified as iodine deficiency disorders
(IDDs) [Zhou et al., 2019]. Iodine supplementation can be recommended to fulfill individual needs,
especially for juvenile expectant mothers, to prevent the potential impacts that its deficiency can
have on the neural development of the fetus (Zhou et al., 2019).
Teenagers who are pregnant need more nutrients during their pregnancy to meet the needs of both
the mother and the developing fetus. In addition to giving the fetus iodine, the mother's thyroid
hormones must be maintained at normal levels, especially during the first trimester. Furthermore,
especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, this increase is necessary to supply iodine clearance by
the kidneys (Zimmermann, 2016). Likewise, iodine deficiency can manifest in other forms such as
oxidative stress, causing disturbances in trophoblastic cell function and the placental vascular net,
and weakened redox balance since it can compete with free radicals or induce the action of enzymes
with antioxidant activity (Olivo-Vidal et al.,2016).
Due to its irreversible effects, iodine deficiency is particularly risky for teenage pregnancies,
reproductive-age women, and women who are pregnant or nursing. This mineral increases the risk
of irreparable damage because it is essential for neuron migration and myelination in the brain and
causes hypothyroxinemia when levels are low (Olivo-Vidal et al.,2016). The primary cause of the
unavoidable mental delay during the embryonic phase is iodine deficiency, which can cause an IQ
(Intelligence Quotient) decline of up to 20 points (Olivo-Vidal et al.,2016).
3.2. Selenium (Se)
A mineral with antioxidant properties is selenium. It is an integral component of the
antioxidant enzyme GSH-Px, which balances free radicals and prevents the body from producing
more of them. It also maintains the body's natural defenses, controls growth and development,
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XVIII (3): e1584 (septiembre-diciembre, 2024)
activates the immune system, and guards against cancer and heart disease (Hofstee et al., 2020).
Foods high in selenium include cereals, vegetables, meat, and oilseeds such as nuts, but the amount
of selenium in the diet varies depending on the climate. Selenium is easily absorbed from diets
because of its high bioavailability (Olivo-Vidal et al., 2016). For people aged 19 to 50, the
recommended daily consumption quantities are 45 to 50 µg, 60 µg for women, and 70 µg for adults
and for men and nursing moms, it is 75 µg (Stoffaneller and Morse, 2015). Selenium levels below 0.9
µmol/L have been associated with reduced thyroid hormone balance; this effect is more pronounced
in older persons over 65 and youngsters. Significant amounts of selenium have been found in the
thyroid gland, indicating that the mineral is necessary for regular biological activity.
More specifically, there has been a stronger correlation shown between decreased innate and
adaptive immune system activity and the activity of selenium-containing proteins in the oxidative
system, which eliminates free oxygen radicals produced during the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
Selenium insufficiency is also associated with the development of cretinism because of its direct
linkage with iodine during the body's conversion of hormones (Stoffaneller and Morse, 2015; Mao et
al., 2016; Nogales et al.,2017).
A shortage in selenium during pregnancy can impact the T cells, leading to an increase in oxidant
substance production and other issues that impact both the mother and the developing fetus. Pre-
eclampsia, glucose intolerance, changes in the lipid profile, mental and psychomotor delay, and
other diseases are some of the associated issues (Mao et al., 2016; Amorós et al., 2018; Jiang et al.,
3.3. Iron (Fe)
Iron is a necessary mineral for several biological processes, such as the production of
erythrocytes and the transport of oxygen. It also co-occurs in the transport of enzymes, primarily
those involved in the metabolism of lipids, and is vital for the immune system's upkeep (WHO, 2017;
Rees et al., 2019). When a pregnant teenager's iron requirements are out of balance and insufficient
to maintain homeostasis, iron deficiency results (Georgieff, 2020). This is a global public health issue
that mostly affects women of reproductive age, nursing mothers, and infants (Harvey and Boksa
2014; Saydam et al., 2017; WHO, 2017).
Anemia is highly prevalent in several continents such as Africa, Asia, South America, and even
Eastern Europe, especially in women of reproductive age (WHO, 2017, Saydam et al., 2017).
Anemia has been associated with inadequate ingestion of iron, deficiency of folate and vitamin B12,
problems of low absorption, inefficient iron transport, parasite infections, and diseases, such as HIV,
for example. The condition is characterized by a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, which
interferes with the body's ability to transport oxygen (WHO, 2017). Anemia can be thought of as the
last stage of iron deficiency (Georgieff, 2020). It is possible to notice symptoms like exhaustion and
trouble completing everyday tasks. Measurements of serum ferritin and/or transferrin receptor
levels, as well as hemoglobin concentration, are advised for diagnosis. Moreover, types of anemia:
normocytic, macrocytic, and microcytic, each of which has a different etiology (WHO, 2017). When
a teenager needs iron for proper development and growth is pregnant, one of the observed problems
is the reduced activity of the immune system, especially a significant reduction in the number of T
cells produced and available for use.
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XVIII (3): e1584 (septiembre-diciembre, 2024)
Thus, both innate and adaptative immune systems are weakened, exposing the mother and the fetus-
to bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens attacks. The immune system whose foremost function is to
protect the mother and fetus from infections caused by several sorts of pathogens becomes weakened
and compromised. Iron deprivation at the beginning of pregnancy can lead to premature birth or
low birth weight and threaten the health of the newborn (Harvey and Boksa, 2014; WHO, 2017).
Gestational anemia is related to a higher maternal mortality rate as well as interferes with the weight
and health of the neonatal (Chikakuda et al., 2018). It also can lead to miscarriage during the first
trimester (Guo et al., 2019).
3.4. Zinc (Zn)
One of the several metallic ions that are frequently present in the human brain is zinc. In the
body, this mineral is essential. Approximately 90 % of this oligo element is found in the bones and
skeleton muscles. It is absorbed in the small intestine through a mechanism mediated by
transporters. Studies have indicated that different population groups absorb it at different rates
depending on the type of diet and the molar proportion of phytate. The concentration of zinc in the
gastrointestinal tract is the only factor that determines its absorption; it has been shown that people
who consume high levels of zinc in their diet also tend to absorb zinc less readily (Galetti et al., 2016).
Teenagers who are pregnant may lose zinc through their gastrointestinal tract, urine, or skin, hair,
or perspiration. Hexa and pentaphosphate of inositol should not be consumed simultaneously with
phytic acid for optimal absorption. Phytic acid is the main dietary component that is known to
impede zinc binding to transporter cells.
More than 50 % of preterm and severely premature neonates have cerebral white matter damage
(WMI), the main component of the premature brain, which can be brought on by a zinc shortage
(Volpe, 2019). Since the pre-oligodendrocyte (pre-OL), the progenitor of OLs that create mature
myelin, is the target in the cellular core area of WML, its morphologic effects are subjacent to most
documented future neurological impairments. Hypomyelination results from the preterm brain's
pre-OL failing due to lesions (Volpe, 2019).
3.5. Calcium (Ca)
The mineral calcium (Ca), which depends on a number of genetic and environmental factors,
is responsible for the development and upkeep of bone tissue. One of the most important indicators
of bone health, bone mineral density (BMD), has a phenotypic manifestation that is known to be
influenced by genetics to a degree of 60 % to 70 %. Furthermore, between 30 % and 40 % of BMD is
influenced by environmental variables, including nutrition and lifestyle. The likelihood of changing
these environmental elements and, therefore, improving bone tissue becomes crucial when
describing their impact on the skeleton. Of these, the dietetic Ca content is the most pertinent to bone
health (Bromage et al., 2016).
The mother's and the fetus's bone health are greatly impacted by calcium deficiency. Severe Ca
deficiency during adolescent pregnancy can be fatal to the mother, raising the possibility of pre-
eclampsia, and detrimental to the fetus by increasing the likelihood of spontaneous preterm. Pre-
eclampsia raises the risk of infant mortality by causing miscarriage or drug-induced preterm birth
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XVIII (3): e1584 (septiembre-diciembre, 2024)
(Weaver et al., 2014). When it comes to preterm delivery, a shortage in calcium can limit intrauterine
growth, cause low birth weight, and eventually have several physical and cognitive effects, such as
greater atrophy. Pre-natal Ca ingestion can reduce the risk of premature birth and can be associated
with its function in supporting fetal growth and maturity (Mosha et al., 2017).
3.6. Magnesium (Mg)
This is the fourth cation present in the human body universally and it is the second most
commonly found cation inside human cells. About 53 % of it is found in bones, approximately 27 %
in muscles, 19 % present in soft tissues that are not muscles, and only 1 % in the extracellular liquid;
the majority of it is bonded to different chelators in the intracellular space, including ATP, adenosine
diphosphate, protein, RNA, DNA, and citrate (Altura et al., 2016).
The parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D both affect its absorption. When calcitriol was given
to uremic patients, the amount of magnesium absorbed through the jejunum returned to normal; in
patients who were also malpositioned and had insufficient vitamin D, this absorption decreased
(Conlon and Bird, 2015). This nutrient is widely available in all food sources; deficiencies in it are
uncommon under normal circumstances and are typically associated with the presence of a
concomitant illness (Altura et al., 2016).
Magnesium deficiency manifests with diverse symptoms such as severe reduction in cognitive
capacity, processing, and in particular decreased attention span, increased aggression, weariness,
and lack of focus and concentration (Elbaz et al., 2017). Other prevalent symptoms may include
frequent irritation, anxiety, and fluctuating humor (Viktorinova et al., 2016). Magnesium deficiency
has been adversely implicated in maternal and perinatal settings, as it has been associated with risks,
such as hypertensive pregnancy syndrome, leg cramps, and premature birth. Mg deficiency has also
been associated with the highest Apgar scores among newborns and reduced occurrence of hypoxic-
ischemic encephalopathy; however, as only 2 of the 10 randomized clinical trials were considered of
the highest quality, the authors concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support oral Mg
supplementation during pregnancy as beneficial for the mother and/or the fetus (Farias et al., 2020).
Magnesium aids in the production of ATP and energy, the removal of ammonia from the brain
associated with inattention, and the conversion of important fatty acids into DHA (docosahexaenoic
acid), which is necessary for the healthy construction and operation of brain cells. It can help lessen
oxidative stress associated with the physiopathology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) due to its antioxidant properties. Magnesium can also help with sleep disturbances
associated with ADHD, which can negatively impact attention (de Araújo et al.,2020).
3.7. Folate
Folate (vitamin B9) is one of the thirteen essential vitamins, present in food items, but folic
acid is a synthetic supplement that is added to food for fortification. Metabolically inert, vitamin B9
(natural dietary folate) is sometimes referred to as folic acid which is the synthetic form (Jouanne et
al., 2021). Folic acid has a higher bioavailability and is chemically more stable than folate. Although
there are differences in data on the bioavailability of food folate, food is thought to comprise 50 % of
total bioavailable folic acid. Considering this variation in bioavailability, the notion of dietary folate
TECNOCIENCIA CHIHUAHUA, Vol. XVIII (3): e1584 (septiembre-diciembre, 2024)
equivalents (DFEs) is employed: 0.6 μg of folic acid in fortified foods, 0.5 μg in supplements, or 1 μg
of dietary folate are all comparable to 1 μg of DFE (Argyridis, 2019; Jouanne et al., 2021). Folate
deficiency is frequently caused by pregnancy, particularly in cases of multiple pregnancies or
complex pregnancies with vomiting. Certain pregnancy issues, such as congenital heart disease,
preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction, and neural tube abnormalities (NTD), such as spina
bifida and anencephaly, can be caused by a folate shortage (Argyridis, 2019). It is also critical to
stress that women with pregestational diabetes should take 5 mg of the medication daily (Jouanne
et al., 2021).
4. Conclusion
The effects of the micronutrients on teenage pregnancy are so crucial to the extent that if
deficiency occurs in the juveniles, it causes congenital abnormalities, affects the mother’s health, and
the unborn babies and may eventually lead to maternal mortality and deaths of the fetus. If the babies
survive the gestational period, the baby may develop diverse metabolic syndromes. Policymakers,
physicians, nutritionists, and other health workers should focus more attention on the micronutrient
status of adolescents. Therefore, it becomes paramount that proper education should be given to
pregnant teenagers and more research should be focused on nutritional intervention for these
vulnerable groups.
Special thanks to the management and staff of Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila Hospital, Mexico
for their support and help.
Conflict of interest
There is no conflict of interest in the publication of these research notes.
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