Conflicto de intereses
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Armanino, N., Charpentier, J., Flachsmann, F., Goeke, A., Liniger & M., Kraft, P. (2020). What's hot,
what's not: the trends of the past 20 years in the chemistry of odorants. Angewandte Chemie
International Edition, 59, 16310-16344.
Boelens, M., Boelens, H. & Boelens, H. (2003). Some aspects of qualitative structure-odor
relationships. Perfumer and Flavorist, 28, 36-45.
Breitmaier, E. (2006). Terpenes: flavors, fragrances, pharmaca, pheromones. Wiley.
Britten-Kelly, M. (2001). New aroma chemicals: The rosy future. Perfumer and flavorist, 26, 34-40.
Clark, G. S. (1990). Leaf alcohol. Perfumer and Flavorist, 15, 47-52.
David, O. R. & Doro, F. (2023). Industrial fragrance chemistry: a brief historical Perspective. European
Journal of Organic Chemistry, 26, e202300900.
Diario Oficial de la Federación. (2021). Reforma a la Ley General de Salud que prohíbe a la industria
cosmética experimentar con animales. Nota N° 658.
Elterlein, F., Bugdahn, N. & Kraft, P. (2024). Sniffing Out the Sustainable Future: The Renewability
Revolution in Fragrance Chemistry. Chemistry European Journal, 30, e202400006.
Forezi, L.S.M., Ferreira, P.G., Hüther, C.M., da Silva, F. de C. & Ferreira, V.F. (2022). Aqui tem
Química: parte IV. Terpenos na Perfumaria. Revista Virtual de Quimica, 14, 1005-1024.
Fráter, G., Bajgrowicz, J.A., & Kraft, P. (1998). Fragrance chemistry, Tetrahedron, 54, 7633-7703.
Gopi, S., Sukumaran, N. M., Jacob, J., & Thomas, S. (Eds.). (2023). Natural Flavors, Fragrances, and
Perfumes. Chemistry, Production, and Sensory Approach. Wiley-VCH.
Korthou, H., & Verpoorte, R. (2007). Vanilla. In Flavours and fragrances, chemistry, bioprocessing
and sustainability (pp. 203-217). Springer.
Kraft, P., Bajgrowicz, J. A., Denis, C., & Fráter, G. (2000). Odds and trends: recent developments in
the chemistry of odorants. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 39, 2980-3010.;2-%23.
Ohloff, G., Pickenhagen, W., Kraft, P., & Grau, F. (2022). Scent and chemistry: the molecular world
of odors. Wiley.
Petroianu, G. A., Stegmeier-Petroianu, A., & Lorke, D. E. (2018). Cleopatra: from turpentine and
juniper to ionone and irone. Die Pharmazie-An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 73, 676-