Such a difference between the Internet, television,
radio, the press or cinema makes it necessary to
reflect on the studies of mass communication centred
on the establishment of agenda, the framing effect
and its consequences on the intentions to vote. The
study of the digital networks supposes a differentiation
of sectors even among the users of Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube and Instagram with respect to others of
digital networks.
Therefore, it is necessary to study in greater
depth the study of the similarities and differences of
internet users of digital networks with respect to
potential voters of the elections in question.
From an approach of political culture, understood
as the representations, dispositions, intentions and
behavior of the governed to their rulers and given
the context of the study scenario (Vieira, 2018: p. 46),
it is necessary to reorient the discussion of the findings
regarding the citizen formation as perceptions of
costs and benefits, as well as the construction of
agreements in the prevention of crime, the
procurement of justice and social rehabilitation,
indicators of governance.
That is, in a scenario in which the emergence of
electronic networks have been instrumented to guide
a certain political culture, indicated by the costs and
benefits of voting for an option that is directly related
to security, it is necessary to explore the dimensions
of the formation of that political culture in order to
anticipate scenarios of un-governability; conflicts
between the parties involved and negotiation
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