ISSN-e: 2683-3360
Artículo de Divulgación
From papyrus to flexible electronic devices: the
revolution of cellulose nanofibrils
De los papiros a los dispositivos electrónicos flexibles: la revolución de
las nanofibrillas de celulosa
*Correspondencia: ronan@unam.mx (Ronan Le Lagadec)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54167/tch.v17i4.1333
Recibido: 28 de agosto de 2023; Aceptado: 01 de diciembre de 2023
Publicado por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, a través de la Dirección de Investigación y Posgrado.
Editor de Sección: Dr. David Morales-Morales
The isolation of cellulose nanofibrils as a native element from cellulose fibers, the main component
of paper, has provided novel and exciting opportunities for the development of electronic devices
that are flexible and more environmentally friendly. An important field of work has targeted the use
of cellulose nanofibrils as the support to produce flexible electronics owing to the material's
advantageous properties, including high mechanical strength (stronger than most plastics), high
optical transparency, and good thermal stability. Moreover, in recent years cellulose nanofibrils have
been explored as a functional component for the development of flexible electronic devices,
including as a replacement for the dielectric layer in transistors, or as the electrolyte for energy
storage devices. Despite significant challenges remaining, including cost, scalability, and moisture
sensitivity, due to their remarkable properties and the increasing importance of reducing the
environmental impact of electronic devices, cellulose nanofibrils are expected to play a crucial role
in the development of next-generation flexible electronics.
Keywords: cellulose nanofibrils, flexible electronic devices, organic light emitting diodes,
transistors, energy storage devices.
El aislamiento de las nanofibrillas de celulosa a partir de fibras de celulosa, el principal componente
del papel, ha proporcionado oportunidades novedosas y apasionantes para el desarrollo de
dispositivos electrónicos flexibles y más respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Un importante campo
Nicolas Roland Tanguy1, Ronan Le Lagadec1*
1 Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Circuito Exterior s/n, Ciudad
Universitaria, Coyoacán, CDMX 04510, Mexico
Roland-Tanguy et.al
de trabajo se ha centrado en el uso de las nanofibrillas de celulosa como soporte para producir
electrónica flexible debido a las ventajas del material, entre las que destacan su gran resistencia
mecánica (es más fuerte que la mayoría de los plásticos), su alta transparencia y su estabilidad
térmica. Asimismo, recientemente se ha explorado el uso de las nanofibrillas de celulosa como
componente funcional en el desarrollo de dispositivos electrónicos flexibles, en sustitución de la capa
dieléctrica en transistores, o como electrolito para dispositivos de almacenamiento de energía. A
pesar de retos importantes pendientes, como el coste, la escalabilidad, y la sensibilidad a la humedad,
se espera que, debido a sus propiedades excepcionales y a la importancia cada vez mayor de reducir
el impacto medioambiental de los dispositivos electrónicos, las nanofibrillas de celulosa desempeñen
un papel crucial en el desarrollo de la electrónica flexible de próxima generación.
Palabras clave: nanofibrilas de celulosa, dispositivos electrónicos flexibles, diodos orgánicos
emisores de luz, transistores, dispositivos de almacenamiento de energía.
1. Introducción
The fabrication of paper-like products can be traced back to ancient Egypt before 2000 B.C. At
the time, damped strips of a plant of the Cyperaceae family were placed side by side alternating
vertical and horizontal layers (Capua, 2015). To this date, the legacy of ancient Egypt remains in the
word paper which is etymologically derived from the Cyperus papyrus plant. More than 2,000 years
after the invention of papyrus, the first instance of papermaking was reported in China. The method
resembled the ones used in the present day: a puree of fibers isolated from hemp, bamboo, or other
plants pressed together afforded thin sheets of paper (American Forest & Paper Association, 2021).
Since these ancient times, paper has remained a ubiquitous product in our daily lives. Its traditional
applications have included printing, publishing, packaging, writing, stationery, arts, and crafts, and
so on. However, early in the 20th century, a less commonly known, and less intuitive use of paper,
sparked much interest: electrical insulators (Emsley and Stevens, 1994). At this time the application
of paper was studied in oil-filled power transformers and power cables. Composed of fibers of
cellulose, paper possesses attractive properties to produce electronic devices, including high
electrical resistivity, high electrical strength, flexibility, as well as chemical and thermal stability.
Moreover, cellulose and paper are readily available from renewable sources (plants) as low-cost
In the mid-20th century, the interest in fabricating electronics derived from paper was propelled by
the observation of nanosized crystalline cellulose in the cell walls of plants (Nickerson and Harree,
1947). Since then, researchers determined that cellulose is composed of small fibers intricately
arranged, also called macro fibers. In turn, the macro fibers are made of tinier ones that reach down
the nanoscale, known as cellulose nanofibrils”, with a diameter 1000 times smaller than a human
hair (Fig. 1a). The discovery, and later isolation, of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF), have triggered
immense interest from the industry and academia (Thomas et al., 2018). CNF can be produced using
bacteria (bacteria species such as Acetobacter) or obtained from biomass feedstock, including waste
products such as tree bark, leaves, and corn husk (Kim et al., 2015; Rajinipriya et al., 2018). In the
latter, the feedstocks are typically subjected to chemical treatments to remove lignin and other
extractives native to the feedstock and obtain pure cellulose fibers. The fibers are further processed
by a high-performance grinder (also called supermass colloider) in a fibrillation step, where the
energy provided is sufficient for the rupture of the bonds existing between the fibers and yield CNF.
Roland-Tanguy et.al
Using processes resembling those of traditional papermaking, such nanofibrils can be assembled to
make a nanopaper. Excitingly, a nanopaper exhibits properties radically different from paper. For
example, a nanopaper is optically transparent due to the small size of the nanofibrils (Fig. 1).
Furthermore, the existence of chemical interactions between nanofibrils through the hydroxyl
groups of cellulose induces tremendous improvements in their mechanical strength. CNF
nanopapers are 15 times stronger than commercial paper and several-fold more robust than most
petroleum-based plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyamide, for instance)
(Kim et al., 2015).
Figure 1. a. Architecture of cellulose fibers from wood (Copyright 2023, Elsevier), (Tanguy et al., 2023); b.
Transparent CNF nanopaper.
Figura 1. a. Arquitectura de las fibras de celulosa de la madera (Copyright 2023, Elsevier), (Tanguy et al., 2023);
b. Nanopapel de CNF transparente.
CNF nanopapers have emerged as a compelling solution to reduce our dependence on petroleum-
based plastics. Meanwhile, the unique properties of CNF nanopapers have expanded the
possibilities for the fabrication of electronic devices that are sustainable and environmentally
friendly (Hoeng et al., 2016; Wawrzyniak et al., 2021; Tanguy et al., 2023). This becomes particularly
significant as the production of electronic devices continues accelerating, which has caused the
accumulation of electronic waste (e-waste) in the environment. Specifically, with a 3-5 % annual
growth rate across the world, reaching 53.6 million tons in 2019, e-waste is now one of the fastest-
growing waste streams worldwide (Liu et al., 2023). Despite the short turnover of common electronic
devices (for example, the average use of cellphones is 3 years), the plastic components including
casing, circuit board, and display will remain in the environment for more than 100 years. Stemming
from the remarkable properties of CNF, nanopapers are expected to provide a high-performance
and more environmentally friendly alternative to the previously mentioned plastic components used
in electronic devices, thereby contributing to reducing e-waste.
Flexible electronics refer to an emerging class of devices that can bend to various shapes (Corzo et
al., 2020). The fabrication of these devices contrasts with traditional electronics, wherein rigid
substrates such as silicon wafers, epoxies, and polyurethanes, are used as components. Flexible
electronics are more versatile as the devices can be integrated onto various objects and surfaces,
including clothes, and even the human skin. Most notably, these characteristics enable the design of
a novel generation of wearable electronic devices, including flexible devices for computation,
sensors, and energy storage. For example, wearable gas sensors combined with energy storage
Roland-Tanguy et.al
devices can be used to ensure workers' safety in chemical factories or monitor individuals' health in
cities, by monitoring gas concentration in real-time and alerting the user in case of exposure to
harmful gases.
2. Next-generation CNF-based flexible electronic devices
One of the first reports of the use of CNF for flexible electronics can be traced back to 2007 when
researchers demonstrated the successful deposition of semiconducting materials onto CNF (Van Den
Berg et al., 2007). The obtained system was a flexible semiconducting nanopaper with a combination
of high mechanical strength and electrical conductivity. This initial effort paved the path to the
development of more complex and flexible electronic devices, for example as organic light-emitting
diodes (OLED) used for displays, in the fabrication of CNF-supported flexible transistors
(fundamental for computation), and as energy storage devices (supercapacitors and batteries)
(Hoeng et al., 2016).
Organic light-emitting diodes (OLED)
In the following years, the fabrication of CNF-supported flexible OLED was achieved (Nogi
and Yano, 2008; Okahisa et al., 2009), which stood as a remarkable leap as OLEDs are fundamental
to the development of modern displays. OLED displays allow for large viewing angles, a high
contrast ratio, and are lighter than other technologies (Huang et al., 2020). Thus, the application of
CNF permits the design of displays that can be bent, folded, and rolled. OLED technology consists
of multiple layers of materials sandwiched between a cathode and an anode. As a voltage is applied
in between the electrodes, electrons are injected into the multiple layers of materials comprised in
between. Specifically, the positive charges, and negative charges, are injected into the hole transport
layer, and the electron transport layer, respectively. The electron and hole recombine in the emissive
layer to produce an exciton. The exciton then releases energy in the form of light as it returns to its
ground state (Fig. 2). The fabrication of flexible displays requires the integration of OLED
components onto a flexible substrate such as CNF nanopapers, which are advantageous as compared
to traditional petroleum-based plastics. Specifically, traditional polymeric materials are prone to
expand or retract when subjected to changes in temperature, which can cause localized mechanical
stresses and deformation either during processing or use. CNF nanopapers have a coefficient of
thermal expansion more than 40-fold inferior to that of plastics. This is a significant advantage, as
the deposition of the OLED components is traditionally made by thermal processes, wherein
repeated changes in temperatures can cause fracture during processing. Heat production by the
Joule effect during use can cause a similar phenomenon. Nevertheless, notable technical challenges
remain before envisioning the application of CNF as a substrate for OLEDs, including the
progressive yellow coloring during aging, and the alterations in shapes (swelling for instance)
caused by the deposition of OLED components. Typical strategies to alleviate these limitations have
involved the preparation of nanopaper composites, in which CNF are added as fillers into a polymer
matrix to reduce thermal expansion and improve mechanical performance (Okahisa et al., 2009; Tao
et al., 2020).
Roland-Tanguy et.al
Figure 2. a. Architecture of OLED: hole injection layer (HIL), hole transporting layer (HTL), electron blocking
layer (EBL), emitting layer (EML), hole blocking layer (HBL), electron transporting layer (ETL), and electron
injection layer (EIL) (Copyright 2010, Wiley), (Chen et al., 2010); b. Flexible OLED display supported by a
transparent cellulose nanofibrils composite film (Copyright 2008, Wiley) (Nogi and Yano, 2008).
Figura 2. a. Arquitectura de una OLED: capa de inyección de agujeros (HIL), capa de transporte de agujeros
(HTL), capa de bloqueo de electrones (EBL), capa emisora (EML), capa de bloqueo de agujeros (HBL), capa de
transporte de electrones (ETL), y capa de inyección de electrones (EIL) (Copyright 2010, Wiley) (Chen et al.,
2010); b. Pantalla OLED flexible soportada por una película compuesta de nanofibrillas de celulosa transparente
(Copyright 2008, Wiley) (Nogi and Yano, 2008).
Meanwhile, CNF nanopapers have also been explored as substrates for fabricating flexible
transistors (Huang et al., 2013; Jung et al., 2015). These devices can perform logic operations and are
the fundamental building blocks for the fabrication of complex circuits in computer processors.
Field-effect transistors are the most common technology and are composed of three main
components: the source, the drain, and the gate. The electrical current flowing between the source
and the drain is controlled by the gate through the application of a voltage (Fig. 3a). The combination
of various transistors allows for the fabrication of logical gates that can perform assorted functions
(such as AND, OR, NOT).
Thus, the arrangement of transistors in specific configurations allows to perform logical operations
and consequently enables the fabrication of processors capable of executing complex tasks. CNF
nanopapers have already been explored for the fabrication of various transistor technologies,
including thin film transistors, organic thin film transistors, and organic field-effect transistors. The
devices could operate when being bent to various angles with only minute alterations in
performance (10 % loss in carrier mobility) (Huang et al., 2013).
Besides applications as substrates for flexible transistors, CNF nanopapers were recently explored
as a functional component in the design of an organic field-effect transistor. Specifically, a CNF
nanopaper was evaluated as a replacement for the traditional dielectric materials (typically
composed of metal oxides that require complex manufacturing processes and high processing
temperatures). This was achieved by transforming a CNF nanopaper into a solid-state ionic
conductor through a simple chemical process (Fig. 3b) (Dai et al., 2018). As the gate voltage was
applied, an electric field was generated by the conducting CNF nanopaper that successfully
Roland-Tanguy et.al
modulated the current flow between the source and drain. The CNF-based transistor performed a
similar function to that of organic field effect transistors integrating dielectric materials. Thus, the
CNF structural advantages such as high transparency, temperature resistance, flexibility, as well as
the possibility of being converted into solid-state ion conductors have triggered much excitement
toward the fabrication of flexible and transparent transistors, and potentially environmentally
friendly processors.
Figure 3. a. Architecture of a field effect transistor (Copyright 2023, Wiley) (Luginieski et al., 2023); b. Organic
field effect transistor wherein CNF is used as a replacement to the dielectric layer (ionic conductive cellulose
nanopapers, ICCN) (unrestricted reuse from Springer Nature) (Dai et al., 2018)
Figura 3. a. Arquitectura de un transistor de efecto de campo (Copyright 2023, Wiley) (Luginieski et al., 2023);
b. Transistor de efecto de campo orgánico en el que se utiliza CNF como sustituto de la capa dieléctrica
(nanopapeles de celulosa conductores iónicos, ICCN) (reutilización sin restricciones de Springer Nature) (Dai
et al., 2018).
Energy storage devices
Perhaps one of the most significant areas where CNF has demonstrated considerable potential
is energy storage. The dominant energy storage technologies where CNF has been explored are
supercapacitors and batteries. Supercapacitors are generally composed of porous electrodes made
of carbon (nano)materials immersed in an electrolyte solution. As a potential is applied to the
electrodes, the ions in the electrolyte solution migrate until they reach the surface of the electrodes.
Thus, the application of potential causes electrostatic separation of charges between the electrodes
and the electrolyte allowing to store and release energy (Fig. 4a).
In contrast, batteries such as lithium-ion consist largely of four key components: cathode, anode,
electrolyte, and separator. During charging and discharging cycles, lithium ions move between the
cathode and anode materials, converting the chemical energy into electrical energy. The electrolyte
acts as the ionic conductor, allowing for the transport of lithium ions between the electrodes. The
separator serves as a barrier preventing physical contact between the anode and cathode while
facilitating ion transports in the battery cell. Each of these four components plays an important role
in determining the final battery performance (Fig. 4b).
While both supercapacitors and batteries can store energy, the differences in energy storage
mechanisms yield distinct properties suitable for different applications. For instance,
supercapacitors possess a high-power density, translating into the devices being able to deliver high
Roland-Tanguy et.al
power within a short amount of time. Meanwhile, batteries possess a high-energy density, which
means that they can store more energy as compared to supercapacitors, and thus are suitable for
powering electronic devices over prolonged periods.
Most notably, CNFs are ideal for the design of flexible electrodes and separators. CNF's high
mechanical strength and thermal stability allow the integration of various carbon nanomaterials such
as carbon nanotubes, activated carbon, and graphene to obtain flexible composite electrodes for
supercapacitors (Chen et al., 2018). Interestingly, the presence of small amounts of CNF also
enhanced the amount of energy stored by the supercapacitors (Fig. 4c) (Zhang et al., 2022). The
researchers suggested that the integration of small amounts of CNF improved the porosity of the
electrode, which facilitated the migration of ions from the electrolyte to the carbon nanomaterials.
Similarly, beneficial properties were observed when using a CNF polyethylene nanopaper
composite as a separator in comparison to a commercial polyethylene. An ideal separator in a battery
should be thin, mechanically strong, and electrochemically stable. Another important characteristic
is the presence of a highly porous and tortuous structure that prevents the growth of dendritic
lithium. Dendritic lithium can cause short circuits in batteries, potentially causing explosions.
Researchers observed that the integration of CNF yielded a lithium-ion battery with a prolonged
lifetime because of the presence of uniform pores throughout the cellulose nanopapers (Fig. 4d).
CNFs have also attracted a broad interest as solid-state electrolytes. Generally, lithium-ion batteries
use organic liquid electrolytes to enable the movement of ions between the electrodes. However,
these electrolytes are volatile and flammable, which has led to catastrophic failures including
uncontrolled exothermic reactions and explosions. Widely documented examples of such events
include Samsung Galaxy Note, Tesla electric cars, and grid stations in South Korea and the USA.
Alternatively, solid polymer electrolytes have emerged as a safer option owing to their capability to
dissolve and dissociate lithium-based electrolytes, inexpensiveness, and facile processibility.
Nevertheless, conventional solid polymer electrolytes exhibit generally low ionic conductivities that
limit the performance of solid-state batteries (for instance, a lower amount of energy stored). In a
recent study, CNF nanopapers were subjected to various chemical treatments and transformed into
an ionically conducting material. Remarkably, the modified nanopaper outperformed conventional
solid polymer electrolytes with an ionic conductivity 10-fold superior to that of the best systems
previously reported (Yang et al., 2021). This improvement allowed to boost the amount of energy
stored by the solid-state battery and was explained by the nanofibrils acting as molecular channels,
or cables, that enabled a rapid transport of lithium-ion throughout the electrolyte.
Roland-Tanguy et.al
Figure 4. a. Energy storage mechanism in conventional supercapacitors (Copyright 2022, Wiley) (Ali et al., 2022);
b. Energy storage mechanism in conventional lithium-ion batteries (Copyright 2020, Wiley) (Zhang et al., 2020);
c. Capacitance comparison of reduced graphene oxide (GH) and nanocellulose/reduced graphene oxide
composite hydrogels (NCGHs) with various loading contents of cellulose nanofibrils (Copyright 2022,
American Chemical Society) (Zhang et al., 2022); d. Performance comparison of lithium-ion batteries consisting
of commercial separator (PE) and CNF polyethylene composite (CPC) (Copyright 2018, Wiley) (Pan et al., 2018).
Figura 4. a. Mecanismo del almacenamiento de energía en supercondensadores convencionales (Copyright
2022, Wiley) (Ali et al., 2022); b. Mecanismo del almacenamiento de energía en baterías de iones de litio
convencionales (Copyright 2020, Wiley) (Zhang et al., 2020); c. Comparación de la capacitancia de hidrogeles
compuestos de óxido de grafeno reducido (GH) y nanocelulosa/óxido de grafeno reducido (NCGH) con
diversos contenidos de carga de nanofibrillas de celulosa (Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society) (Zhang
et al., 2022); d. Comparación del rendimiento de baterías de iones de litio formadas por un separador comercial
(PE) y un compuesto de polietileno CNF (CPC) (Copyright 2018, Wiley) (Pan et al., 2018).
3. Conclusions and perspectives
Despite an impressive array of potential applications, the development of CNF-based flexible
electronic devices is still in its early stages. There are major challenges that need to be addressed
before these materials can be widely adopted. CNF is currently relatively expensive to produce,
which is a significant barrier to its widespread adoption. The scalability of production is another
critical issue; as current production methods are not equipped to meet the demands of large-scale
production. Additionally, the stability of CNF is a concern, as its properties such as electrical
resistance and mechanical strength are altered by the humidity in the surrounding environment.
Roland-Tanguy et.al
Despite these hurdles, the potential of CNF-based flexible materials is enormous. With continued
research and development, CNF has the potential to revolutionize the electronics industry. This
innovative material offers a myriad of possibilities for the future of flexible devices and continues to
be a thriving area of research. As sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions gain
prominence, CNF's role in flexible electronics is expected to grow, driving innovation, and shaping
the future of electronic devices. Despite these hurdles, the potential of CNF-based flexible materials
is enormous. With continued research and development, CNF has the potential to revolutionize the
electronics industry. This innovative material offers a myriad of possibilities for the future of flexible
devices and continues to be a thriving area of research. As sustainability and environmentally
friendly solutions gain prominence, CNF's role in flexible electronics is expected to grow, driving
innovation, and shaping the future of electronic devices.
The authors thank DGAPA - UNAM for a postdoctoral grant to N.R. Tanguy and financial support
through the PAPIIT project IN-211522.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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