e-ISSN: 2992-8184  
Learning English as a Second Language in children  
from low socioeconomic level  
Lilian Elizabeth Baño Lucio  
Tecnológico de Monterrey (México)  
Fidel González-Quiñones  
Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (México)  
Silvia Pradas Montilla  
Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (España)  
Recibido: 3/10/2024 Revisado: 17/11/2024 Aceptado: 09/12/2024  
Abstract. The learning of English as a second language is a topic of great importance in the Mexican  
educaꢁonal context, and language educaꢁon programs begin in primary educaꢁon from an early  
age. This research considers neuropsycholinguisꢁc theoreꢁcal backgrounds, and its main objecꢁve  
is to determine, through a quasi-experiment, whether a treatment based on 80% pracꢁcal exercises  
and 20% theoreꢁcal exercises can improve the average grades of a group of elementary-level  
students, also idenꢁfying the influence of certain factors on the learning of the English language.  
The main evidence obtained inferenꢁally through a hypothesis test demonstrated that the proposed  
treatment is effecꢁve, and significant correlaꢁons are provided that, when interpreted, allow the  
idenꢁficaꢁon of factors that posiꢁvely and negaꢁvely influence the learning of English.  
Keywords: English as a Second Language, Psycholinguistics, elementary education, child, low  
socioeconomic level, language and literacy.  
How to cite: Baño Lucio, L. E., González-Quiñones, F. y Pradas Monꢁlla, S. (2024). Leaning English as  
a Second Language in children of socioeconomic low. Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-  
133. hꢀps://doi.org/10.54167/rei.v2i2.1743  
There are various blockages that affect the learning of English as a second language (ESL) in  
public school students, the main aspects are socioeconomic both in the educaꢁonal system and in  
related to self-esteem and how it affects learning and behavioral aꢂtude (Gardner and Lambert,  
2019). Moꢁvaꢁon or self-determinaꢁon to learn and the opposite is derived from this factor, which  
in ESL is called language anxiety (Luria et al., 2021).  
Other important aspects are malnutriꢁon, situaꢁons of abuse and sociocultural aspects, which,  
enhanced by a learning methodology based on naꢁvist and behavioral theories, coerce the  
neurocogniꢁve capacity of learners, especially in late learners who did not receive a bilingual  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
2021; Telep et al., 2021). Neurolinguisꢁcs in educaꢁon invites us to quesꢁon and rethink the  
psychoaffecꢁve and neurobiological condiꢁons that would limit the acquisiꢁon of a second language  
(L2). The main cogniꢁve and emoꢁonal aspects involved are: (1) Broca's area is responsible for area  
is responsible for speech producꢁon; (2) Wernicke's area corresponds to speech comprehension and  
is related to semanꢁc and lexical deficits; (3) The limbic system, also known as the emoꢁonal brain,  
regulates emoꢁons; (4) Gray maꢀer: is the network of cell bodies that process and release new  
informaꢁon through the axons of the white maꢀer, which controls: movement, memory, sensory  
percepꢁon, speech, self-control and decision making; and (5) White maꢀer: it is the nerve fiber  
composed of myelinated axons that coordinates communicaꢁon between gray maꢀer and other  
Neuroscience has found that learning ESL offers cogniꢁve benefits to humans. Furthermore,  
magneꢁc resonance imaging (MRI) studies reveal that neuroplasꢁcity and neuronal acꢁvity improve  
in late language learners (Legault et al., 2019). These late learners also show an increase in corꢁcal  
thickness and gray maꢀer volume, to which Bubbico et al. (2019) even suggest that they can  
implement low-cost training that improves neural connecꢁvity and global cogniꢁon.  
According to Gidon et al. (2020) and, Romero and Vázquez (2021), brain modularity  
encompasses mulꢁple interconnected neural networks independently of specific funcꢁons and  
mental operability depends on these interconnected connecꢁons. In other words, the brain can be  
considered as a subsystem of interrelated systems (Weht et al., 2022), where emoꢁons significantly  
influence learning and cogniꢁon, since the brain evaluates the sꢁmuli it receives through the senses  
Linguisꢁc anthropology is related to ESL, as well as the study of the language, culture, habits,  
customs and values of a society (Ramírez, 2020; Valdés, 2020). The importance of not reducing an  
individual to monolinguals is highlighted and the valuaꢁon of linguisꢁc diversity is promoted (Clouet,  
2018; Budiarta, 2020; Goodwin, 2020), being in a certain way against the criꢁcal period hypothesis,  
which refers to children's neurological advantage in acquiring a second language during childhood.  
The age limit of six years presented in this hypothesis is quesꢁoned, highlighꢁng instead the  
importance of cogniꢁve maturity in learning (Gardner, 2019; Singleton and Leśniewska, 2021).  
Language anxiety in L2, low self-esteem and lack of moꢁvaꢁon can generate insecurity and  
disinterest in the student, which can result in a psychological and mental block that impedes  
cogniꢁve and apꢁtude development (Hyseni and Hoxha, 2018; Gardner and Lambert, 2019). In this  
sense, intrinsic moꢁvaꢁon is essenꢁal to address and solve various academic insecuriꢁes  
Correspondence between theoreꢀcal foundaꢀons and research acꢀviꢀes  
Below, the acꢁviꢁes carried out on each of the five days that the intervenꢁon lasted are  
described. They are indicated in the theoreꢁcal framework secꢁon because they are accompanied  
by the conceptual theoreꢁcal foundaꢁon that supports each of the exercises as part of the  
experimental treatment:  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
First session  
Kinestheꢁc acꢁviꢁes, such as the game of hopscotch, were carried out in an open space  
located at the entrance to the room. Memory was also sꢁmulated regarding the order and  
grammaꢁcal structure to formulate quesꢁons, answers or short sentences (Yanez-García, et al.,  
2021; Buzsáki et al., 2022). Each child had to jump on boxes that had a logical sequence of colors.  
This technique is known in linguisꢁcs as the sentence producꢁon task and seeks to improve students'  
Neuropsycholinguisꢁc suggests that kinestheꢁc acꢁviꢁes can benefit learning. Physical  
movements increase blood and oxygen flow to the brain, improving aꢀenꢁon, memory, and  
cogniꢁve processing (Codd et al., 2020). This type of recreaꢁonal acꢁviꢁes is appropriate for children  
between 11 and 12 years old, since they are in a stage of development where they seek new  
experiences and exciꢁng challenges that contribute to their individual growth and development  
(Philpo, 2018; DeLuca et al., 2019; Gómez, 2021). Physical acꢁvity and movement can improve  
student learning. Addiꢁonally, visual-motor coordinaꢁon can help improve students' memory,  
aꢀenꢁon, and concentraꢁon (Codd et al., 2020; Charfe et al., 2020).  
Second session  
Sentence construcꢁon was combined with visual arts (Murayama, 2019; Shafazhinskaya et  
al., 2019; Desmet and Fokkinga, 2020) through a set of illustrated cards to introduce students to new  
vocabulary related to professions. Linguisꢁc informaꢁon was presented through processing and  
applying the informaꢁon effecꢁvely (Damanik, 2019).  
By using flashcards to teach the basic structure of a sentence and how to make changes to  
express different ideas, students can associate words with images, thereby improving their memory  
and comprehension (Damanik, 2019). It is important to note that the degree of improvement can be  
influenced by various factors, such as the frequency of use of this technique and the level of previous  
In another acꢁvity on the same day, children were asked to draw themselves and write  
affirmaꢁve sentences in the simple present tense around the drawing, using phrases such as I am an  
architect or adjecꢁves with posiꢁve qualiꢁes such as I am smart. Then, using the sentence chain  
technique, we worked on changing negaꢁve self-percepꢁons into posiꢁve ones, based on the  
drawing made (Gurney, 2018; Gardner and Lambert, 2019), promoꢁng intrinsic moꢁvaꢁon  
The aim was to moꢁvate children to pursue their dreams related to professions, based on  
moꢁvaꢁon theories that highlight the human need to transcend and feel fulfilled (Desmet and  
Fokkinga, 2020), emphasizing Gardner's socio-educaꢁonal model, which highlights the importance  
of affinity and taste for the language (Hegedüs, 2020; Oakes and Howard, 2022).  
This reflecꢁon and self-analysis allows you to idenꢁfy and understand your own emoꢁons in  
relaꢁon to your self-esteem, as well as your professional and academic future (Gurney, 2018; Hyseni  
and Hoxha, 2018). Aꢃer reflecꢁng, they were asked to share their thoughts and feelings about their  
self-image, allowing them to beꢀer recognize and understand how they perceive themselves in  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
By allowing children to draw themselves and write affirmaꢁve sentences with posiꢁve  
adjecꢁves, we seek to build a posiꢁve image of themselves and their abiliꢁes (Gurney, 2018).  
Likewise, asking them about their drawing and their sentences encourages the posiꢁve development  
of their self-awareness and their ability to express themselves verbally in a social context (Charfe,  
Third session  
The task was reviewed, leading to the construcꢁon of sentences and the iniꢁaꢁon of  
speaking exercises that encouraged students to think criꢁcally and formulate sentences and  
quesꢁons in the present tense. This was done using cards with vocabulary related to various  
professions, such as I want to become a pilot (Philpo, 2018). The purpose of this acꢁvity was to  
develop students' ability to produce grammaꢁcally correct and coherent sentences (Van den  
Fourth session  
The coconut-eaꢁng origami game, of Japanese origin, involves folding a square piece of  
paper to create a mouth-shaped structure with four flaps or tabs. The mouth opens by liꢃing one of  
the flaps located at the corners of the paper. This acꢁvity aimed to detect fine motor skills and hand-  
eye coordinaꢁon in students and is useful for developing mathemaꢁcal skills, since it involves the  
sequenꢁal and logical construcꢁon of complex mental representaꢁons, similar to those required in  
This game contributes to exploring the folding paꢀerns and geometry of the paper in greater  
detail and requires aꢀenꢁon and concentraꢁon to follow the instrucꢁons and complete the task  
correctly (Buzsáki et al., 2022), involving the coordinaꢁon of different paꢀerns, the sequencing of  
acꢁons and the manipulaꢁon of physical objects, making it a complete acꢁvity to provide  
comprehensive teaching (Gardner, 2019).  
In the grammaꢁcal field, the objecꢁve was to sꢁmulate the retenꢁon of syntax by relaꢁng  
the subject to the verb that was in the fold of each corner of the origami (Acero, 2020). The students  
interacted in pairs and alternately played the game Guess what verb is? guessing the verb  
corresponding to the subject indicated by their partner. With this acꢁvity, we sought not only to  
improve grammaꢁcal skills, but also to encourage interacꢁon between students and teamwork  
Pair work promotes team collaboraꢁon, which is especially useful for those who may feel  
uncomfortable expressing themselves in English in a more formal or academic seꢂng (Tridinanꢁ,  
2018; Chen and Yu-Jung, 2019). This in ESL is called language anxiety (Hyseni and Hoxha, 2018;  
Gardner and Lambert, 2019). Therefore, this acꢁvity adopts a playful and cooperaꢁve approach that  
sꢁmulates students' memory and enhances their understanding of syntax (Acero, 2020).  
On one of the flaps of the origami eats coconuts, the children had to write the pronouns in  
four categories: First person (I), second person (You, yours), third person (he, she, it) and plural (we,  
you, they). When they liꢃed the fold, they had to write the verb that corresponds to the verb to be  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
(am, is, are), sꢁmulaꢁng memory of what they had learned and improving syntax by playing in pairs.  
The children had to ask their partner to relate the indicated pronoun with the correct verb, both to  
ask quesꢁons and to create short sentences (Gómez, 2021).  
Pedagogically, the combinaꢁon of this type of games favors cogniꢁve development, since  
students acquire skills such as fine motor skills, visual-motor coordinaꢁon and the manipulaꢁon of  
shapes and objects in space, asking to be a fun and aꢀracꢁve way to involve children in language  
learning (Ferreira, et al., 2019). If they made a mistake, the student could repeat the quesꢁon,  
consult the answer on the origami or pracꢁce with another student, as used in mingle games (Philpo,  
2018). In addiꢁon, the game encourages concentraꢁon and memory as it is a guessing game.  
Fiꢀh session  
Grammar exercises were carried out in groups, puꢂng into pracꢁce what was learned during  
the week (Philpo, 2018). It should be noted that all students acꢁvely parꢁcipated in this acꢁvity,  
pracꢁcing the use of personal pronouns in English, according to their level of knowledge and skills.  
Dichotomous quesꢁons (YES/NO) were asked using the verb to be in the simple present tense  
(Gómez, 2021). At the end of the day, and as the end of the experiment, the post-test was  
The present research has a quanꢁtaꢁve, applied approach, it is quasi-experimental, since  
the independent variable was intenꢁonally manipulated to measure its effect on the dependent  
variable without random assignment of the parꢁcipants or control group. The form of the research  
is correlaꢁonal, using a deducꢁve method.  
Descripꢁon of measuring instruments  
Data collecꢁon was carried out using two instruments: (1) Iniꢁal diagnosꢁc instrument,  
applied only once; and (2) Instrument to evaluate the pretest and posꢀest, applied twice, at the  
beginning and end of the research.  
a) Diagnosꢁc instrument. This instrument is an adaptaꢁon of the Aꢂtude/Moꢁvaꢁon Test  
Baꢀery (AMTB): Internaꢁonal ATMB Research Project to measure moꢁvaꢁon and aꢂtude  
toward English language teaching of a foreign language (Gardner, 2004). It was originally  
developed by Gardner and educaꢁonal psychologists. at the University of Michigan in the  
1970s. The original test consists of 106 Likert-type quesꢁons with response opꢁons ranging  
from 1-6. For this research, 25 quesꢁons were chosen and the scale was changed to a  
response range of 1-10, since, in the evaluaꢁon system in Mexico, the lowest score is one  
and the highest is ten.  
The composiꢁon of the diagnosꢁc instrument, together with the methodological matrix of  
objecꢁve quesꢁons and hypotheses, was validated by experts and researchers in linguisꢁcs,  
taking into account the nature of the experimental treatment applied. A leꢀer of informed  
consent was also included for the teacher in charge of the group, as it is an intervenꢁon in  
children, approved by the authoriꢁes of the educaꢁonal establishment. In the pilot test of  
the instrument, a Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of .920 was obtained, which suggests that  
the items measure the same construct.  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
The AMTB is capable of measuring various socioeconomic factors, such as the quality of  
language immersion, moꢁvaꢁon, and students' percepꢁon of the usefulness of English as a  
foreign language (Geꢁe, 2020; Luria et al., 2021). It also allows us to idenꢁfy possible factors  
that influence poor academic performance, such as lack of sleep, parental support in  
schoolwork, early exposure to English in the family environment, and insecurity when  
speaking in class (IRIS Center, 2022). Likewise, it includes quesꢁons that generate cogniꢁve  
dissonance in students to detect contradictory aꢂtudes or moꢁvaꢁons (Heweꢀ, 2023).  
b) Pretest y postest. This instrument consists of 20 quesꢁons adapted to be answered by the  
children described in the study, the first 12 quesꢁons are mulꢁple choice using 4 texts and  
the last 8 quesꢁons are mulꢁple choice with 4 images. The instrument was also included in  
the validaꢁon by experts, who indicated some adjustments. During the applicaꢁon of the  
pilot test it was not necessary to make any changes to it. It is important to clarify that it was  
applied without any modificaꢁon in the pretest and posꢀest in the search for a reliable  
evaluaꢁon that would allow the hypothesis test to be carried out.  
Characterisꢁcs of the intervenꢁon  
The intervenꢁon was carried out in a primary school in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico,  
located in a sector of the city considered to be of low socioeconomic level. The school has 334  
students and 28 teachers distributed as group leaders, directors, physical educaꢁon and special  
educaꢁon. In parꢁcular, this insꢁtuꢁon is disꢁnguished because it was aꢀached to a naꢁonal English  
language teaching program since 2022 (which was temporarily interrupted due to the COVID-19  
The intervenꢁon was carried out in five days and focused on improving syntax as part of a  
holisꢁc and mulꢁdisciplinary educaꢁon (Gardner, 2019; Saavedra, 2021), developing linguisꢁc skills  
in learning a second language, carrying out acꢁviꢁes that involved 80 % pracꢁce and 20% study  
through tasks or exercises in class (Shemesh, 2021). The acꢁviꢁes described were applied to a group  
of children who were in the fiꢃh year of primary school, whose age range was 11 to 12 years old.  
Analysis of results  
The analysis is divided into two large secꢁons, the first of which presents the results of the  
iniꢁal instrument; The second presents the analysis of the instrument to evaluate the pretest and  
the posꢀest.  
Analysis of results of the iniꢁal instrument  
Descripꢁvely, it was found that "Learning English is important because I can communicate  
with people from other countries." obtained the highest raꢁng, with a value of 9.06. On the other  
hand, it was found that the item "They teach me English at home." obtained the lowest score, with  
an average of 3.97. Table 1 shows the averages ordered according to the grades obtained.  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
Table 1. Averages obtained in the 25 items of the instrument  
Learning English is important because I can communicate with people from  
other countries  
I arrive punctually at school  
I am in good health  
I would like to speak and write English perfectly and naturally  
I love English classes, and my teacher inspires me to learn  
I pay aꢀenꢁon in class  
I study English because it is important for my educaꢁon and future  
I want to learn English; it is something useful and a priority in my life  
I usually pay aꢀenꢁon to the explanaꢁon in class  
I usually bring all my school supplies  
I get enough sleep  
I am interested in pracꢁcing English inside and outside of classes  
I am moꢁvated during classes  
I have confidence and feel secure if I have to answer a quesꢁon or  
parꢁcipate in class  
I would like to have many English-speaking friends and learn about their  
I have breakfast and/or usually bring a nutriꢁous snack for recess  
I am more interested in listening to songs in English than in Spanish  
I like it when an adult instructs me to do homework  
I would feel confident if I had to speak on the phone in English  
My parents encourage me to learn English  
I don't know why other students feel nervous about speaking in class  
I find it easy to understand everything I hear and see in English  
At home, they help me with my homework  
My parents know English, and I interact with them  
They teach me English at home  
Correlaꢁon analysis  
An analysis was performed using the Pearson coefficient, which varies between -1 for a  
perfect negaꢁve correlaꢁon and 1 for a perfect posiꢁve correlaꢁon. Table 2 shows only the  
correlaꢁons above .60, finding that all of them have been marked with two asterisks, which indicates  
that they are highly significant. Regarding the Pearson correlaꢁon value (r), the first two variables  
show a very high correlaꢁon, (.800) while the rest present a high correlaꢁon ranging from .613 to  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
Table 2. Variables correlated in English learning moꢀvaꢀon  
Correlated Variables  
I want to learn English; it is something useful and a priority in my life  
I would like to speak and write English perfectly and naturally  
I find it easy to understand everything I hear and see in English  
I am interested in listening to songs in English rather than in Spanish  
I pay aꢀenꢁon in class  
I usually pay aꢀenꢁon to the explanaꢁon in class  
I study English because it is important for my educaꢁon and future  
I am interested in pracꢁcing English inside and outside of classes  
I want to learn English; it is something useful and a priority in my life  
I study English because it is important for my educaꢁon and future  
I love English classes, and my teacher inspires me to learn  
I would like to speak and write English perfectly and naturally  
I would feel confident if I had to speak on the phone in English  
My parents encourage me to learn English  
I love English classes, and my teacher inspires me to learn  
I want to learn English; it is something useful and a priority in my life  
I love English classes, and my teacher inspires me to learn  
I am interested in pracꢁcing English inside and outside of classes  
I am interested in pracꢁcing English inside and outside of classes  
I would like to speak and write English perfectly and naturally  
I study English because it is important for my educaꢁon and future  
I love English classes, and my teacher inspires me to learn  
I am interested in pracꢁcing English inside and outside of classes  
I want to learn English; it is something useful and a priority in my life  
My parents encourage me to learn English  
I am interested in pracꢁcing English inside and outside of classes  
I pay aꢀenꢁon in class  
I am interested in listening to songs in English rather than in Spanish  
They teach me English at home  
My parents know English, and I interact with them  
I am moꢁvated during classes  
I usually pay aꢀenꢁon to the explanaꢁon in class  
Learning English is important because I can communicate with people  
from other countries  
I am interested in pracꢁcing English inside and outside of classes  
I would feel confident if I had to speak on the phone in English  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
Correlated Variables  
I pay aꢀenꢁon in class  
I would like to speak and write English perfectly and naturally  
I study English because it is important for my educaꢁon and future  
I find it easy to understand everything I hear and see in English  
I would feel confident if I had to speak on the phone in English  
As can be seen, there are quite a few important correlaꢁons, and they have been ordered  
from highest (.800) to lowest (.613). Some demonstrate consistency in the students' responses, such  
as the items "They teach me English at home" and "My parents know English and I interact with  
them", which have a correlaꢁon value (r) of .642.  
The item "I want to learn English, it is something useful and a priority in my life." It presents  
a high correlaꢁon with other items, such as "I would like to speak and write English perfectly and  
naturally" (.800), "I am interested in listening to songs in English more than in Spanish", (.716) "I  
study English because it is important for my educaꢁon and future", "I love English classes and my  
teacher inspires me to learn" (.675).  
Another variable that presents a high correlaꢁon with other variables is "I am interested in  
pracꢁcing English inside and aꢃer classes", which has a high linear correlaꢁon of .742 with "I study  
English because it is important for my educaꢁon and future", .675 with " I love English classes and  
my teacher inspires me to learn", .658 with "I want to learn English, it is something useful and a  
priority in my life", and .656 with "My parents encourage me to learn English". The presence of these  
correlaꢁons suggests that students with a posiꢁve aꢂtude and intense moꢁvaꢁon are more likely  
to achieve transcendental learning in ESL. Furthermore, interest in pracꢁcing the language seems to  
be a factor in the teaching and learning process.  
Figure 1 allows us to graphically appreciate the correlaꢁons described and observe how  
moꢁvaꢁon plays a central role, establishing relaꢁonships with psychological theories and  
socioeconomic aspects. Furthermore, the most significant correlaꢁons found in the instrument  
adapted from the AMTB can be idenꢁfied. For example, item 15 is based on self-determinaꢁon  
theory. For a beꢀer interpretaꢁon of this figure, you can consult Table 1, which specifies the number  
that corresponds to each item. Similarly, item 13 is contextualized within the framework of Gardner's  
socio-educaꢁonal model, which explains the moꢁvaꢁonal intensity of students towards learning in  
ESL, as well as their taste and affinity towards the linguisꢁc community and the language. These  
relaꢁonships and theoreꢁcal foundaꢁons highlight the importance of moꢁvaꢁng learners in the  
process of acquiring an L2.  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
Figure 1. Interrelaꢀon between concepts applied in the AMTB items and their correlaꢀon r  
Analysis of the instrument for the pretest-posꢂest  
Descripꢁvely, both in the pretest and in the posꢀest, we worked with a total of 31 children,  
all belonging to the same group. Of them, 13 were women, represenꢁng 41.9%, while 18 were men,  
represenꢁng 58.1%. Regarding the scores obtained, an average of 5.04 was recorded in the pretest,  
with a standard deviaꢁon of 1.44, and an average of 5.98 in the posꢀest, with a standard deviaꢁon  
of 1.50.  
A comparison of the means obtained in both tests was carried out according to gender, as  
shown in Figure 2. In the case of women, an increase in their scores was observed, going from 5.42,  
considered a failing grade, to 6.34, which is considered a passing result. On the other hand, in the  
case of men, the average scores ranged from 4.77 to 5.72. Both averages, considered insufficient.  
Figure 2. Comparison of mean scores by sex during both tests  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
The data was also analyzed in the categories of passed and failed, as shown in Figure 3,  
following as a reference the criteria established by the Mexican educational authorities. Based on  
what is established in the regulations and policies, it is considered passing from six and failing, less  
than the aforementioned qualification, according to the Educational Trends Information System in  
Latin America of the document (SITEAL, 2018). In this figure it can be seen that only two of the  
participants who passed did not increase their grade, while there are two students who improved  
by 3.5 points. Regarding the failure percentages, during the pretest there were 23 failures, which  
represents 74.2% of the students. However, in the posttest the number of failed students decreased  
to 13, which is equivalent to 41.9%.  
Figure 3. Point diagram between the posꢁest and the score difference  
Normality test  
In the case of the pretest, the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality for parametric samples yielded  
a staꢁsꢁcal value of 0.954 with a significance of 0.198, so it can be considered with a confidence  
level of 95% that the scores obtained observe a normal distribuꢁon of probabiliꢁes. The distribuꢁon  
of the pretest scores can be seen in Figure 4, where a good fit can be seen.  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
Figure 4. Pretest goodness adjustment  
The same normality analysis was carried out, obtaining in the Shapiro-Wilk test to evaluate  
a statistical value of 0.957, with a significance level of 0.237, indicating with a confidence level of  
95%, that the posttest scores follow a normal distribution. Similarly, Figure 5 is shown where the  
goodness of fit of the data can be seen.  
Figure 5. Posꢁest goodness adjustment  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
Hypothesis tesꢁng for two related samples  
Descripꢁvely, an increase in the scores of both tests was already noted, so a test was carried  
out to test the null hypothesis that the scores obtained in both tests are the same, previously  
verifying that both distribuꢁons present a normal distribuꢁon. Rejecꢁng this hypothesis would imply  
that the averages are different and, therefore, it could be concluded that the experimental treatment  
applied, which consists of an intervenꢁon with a neuropsycholinguisꢁc approach, with 80% pracꢁce  
and 20% theory, was effecꢁve.  
The hypothesis test was carried out with a confidence level of 95%, iniꢁally obtaining  
descripꢁve staꢁsꢁcs that indicate a score of 5.04 in the pretest and 5.98 in the posꢀest. Among the  
31 pairs of data analyzed, a Pearson correlaꢁon coefficient of r = 0.505 is observed, with a  
significance level of 0.004 (Table 3), which indicates a medium level associaꢁon between the scores.  
Although a higher correlaꢁon coefficient would be expected in this type of exercise, the  
result obtained is explained by the fact that, although in general the average has increased, there  
are several cases of students who individually have not improved their grade and even obtained a  
lower score on the posꢀest.  
Table 3. Correlaꢀons of paired samples  
Correlaꢁons of paired samples  
Pair 1 pretest & postest  
Correlaꢁon Significance (Two-Tailed)  
0.505 0.004  
The results of the hypothesis test (Table 4) show that the difference between both tests is  
0.93, with a standard deviaꢁon of 1.47, and yields a probabilisꢁc value associated with the test  
staꢁsꢁc of 0.001 (bilateral Sig.), is the criꢁcal value to determine whether to reject the null  
hypothesis of equality of means. In this case, the obtained value of 0.001 is less than 0.05. Therefore,  
the null hypothesis of equality of means is rejected, thus concluding, with a confidence level of 95%,  
that the means between the pretest and the posꢀest are different. This result of the hypothesis test  
allows us to affirm that the experimental treatment described is effecꢁve in increasing the students'  
grades, at least in the group where said treatment was applied.  
Table 4. Hypothesis testing for related samples  
Lower Upper  
pretest - posꢀest  
95% confidence  
interval of the  
0.26 -1.47 -0.39  
Limitaꢀons of the research  
In the intervenꢁon stage, various situaꢁons were presented that are intended to  
complement the analysis, some of which limit the objecꢁvity of the results:  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
Environmental and socioeconomic context  
Some socioeconomic indicators were detected that may influence poor performance in ESL  
learning. Both in the data collecꢁon in the post-test and in the duraꢁon of the intervenꢁon, some  
children did not aꢀend school regularly. Some of them stated that they had been sick. Fear and  
anxiety about being evaluated were also detected. Specifically, one student drew a face with an  
expression of fear and insecurity on the exam.  
Some children did not have the minimum materials to work with, such as pencil, scissors or  
paints. Few students completed the tasks they were assigned to do at home, forgeꢂng to bring to  
school the teaching materials provided in class. This may indicate a lack of parental aꢀenꢁon and  
supervision, added to the fact that some students did not bring a nutriꢁous snack or buy food.  
Atypical cases were observed of children who excelled in all acꢁviꢁes, including memory  
retenꢁon. These children showed a clear moꢁvaꢁon when perceiving the usefulness of English as a  
foreign language. In contrast, those students who expressed liꢀle interest in the acꢁviꢁes and  
difficulꢁes understanding the explanaꢁons in the classroom did not experience the same  
Holisꢁc Neuroeducaꢁon and Mulꢁple Skills in ESL  
The majority of children presented cogniꢁve difficulꢁes in assigned tasks such as drawing,  
especially to express and communicate ideas, emoꢁons and feelings, evidencing deficiencies in fine  
motor skills, visual-motor coordinaꢁon and visual percepꢁon to capture the shapes, strokes and  
details of the object. or image. In addiꢁon, it was possible to observe a low planning and organizaꢁon  
capacity that the students had to structure and capture the figure. In addiꢁon, memory and  
concentraꢁon difficulꢁes were observed, making it impossible to successfully create playful material  
and use it to understand and pracꢁce ESL syntax.  
In relaꢁon to the kinestheꢁc game of hopscotch, this acꢁvity is designed for children aged  
11 and 12, who are at a stage where they seek exciꢁng experiences and challenges that promote  
their physical, cogniꢁve, and social development (Desmet and Fokkinga, 2020). It was perceived that  
there was liꢀle interacꢁon and healthy compeꢁꢁon between the parꢁcipants. Most of the students  
experienced the game on their own aꢃer explaining to them what the dynamics and grammaꢁcal  
sequence consisted of.  
Respect the dynamics of the acꢁviꢁes, an acꢁvity that consisted of creaꢁng a paper figure  
was considered complex. A feeling of pride and confidence was observed in the children who  
managed to complete it successfully, advancing with enthusiasm to the next phase, which consisted  
of using the origami as a toy to construct quesꢁons and short sentences.  
Based on the staꢁsꢁcal results of the AMTB quesꢁonnaire, it can be concluded that there  
are factors that influence poor academic performance in the English language in the students  
parꢁcipaꢁng in the research. Socioeconomic, educaꢁonal and neuropsycholinguisꢁc aspects have a  
significant influence on performance in this language. In quanꢁtaꢁve terms, it was observed that the  
average score in the pretest was failing, with a value of 5.04.  
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.  
Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)  
Family and educaꢁonal aspects influence performance in learning ESL. It was observed that  
the least favorable responses in the AMTB instrument were found in the items "At my house they  
help me with my homework" and "My parents know English and I have interacꢁons with them",  
which obtained a lower average score of 5.30 and 4.70 respecꢁvely. These results demonstrate that  
some students have limited access to academic support at home or to English-speaking models,  
which may contribute to poor academic performance in this subject. Lack of aꢀenꢁon and support  
at home can negaꢁvely influence student performance.  
The items that obtained the highest scores were "I am in good health" and "I arrive at school  
on ꢁme", with means of 8.52 and 8.71 respecꢁvely, this suggests that students have the resources  
and support necessary to maintain good health. health and fulfill their academic responsibiliꢁes.  
Regarding moꢁvaꢁon, the highest responses were observed in the items "Learning English is  
important because I can communicate with people from other countries" and "I study English  
because it is important for my educaꢁon and future", with an average score of 9.06. These results  
indicate that students are aware of the importance of language in their educaꢁon and in their future.  
Evidence shows that parental aꢀenꢁon improves children's emoꢁonal and social skills. In  
the items, "My parents encourage me to learn English" and "My parents know English and I interact  
with them" it is reflected that the presence of adults who speak the language is an important factor  
in the acquisiꢁon of an L2, since this favors posiꢁvely on children's ability and confidence to learn  
and not become inhibited when communicaꢁng in ESL. Parents and the school community are  
essenꢁal in students' learning of ESL. The interacꢁon and encouragement that children receive both  
at home and in the school environment have a significant impact on their ability and confidence to  
communicate in the language.  
A holisꢁc methodology with a focus of 20% on grammar and 80% on pracꢁce can improve  
certain English learning skills. The evidence at a descripꢁve level indicates that the mean of the  
scores obtained in the post-test (5.98) is higher than that of the pre-test (5.04), which suggests that  
the treatment was effecꢁve in improving the linguisꢁc deficit in ESL, in late learners. To establish  
whether these differences are staꢁsꢁcally significant, a hypothesis test was carried out to test the  
null hypothesis that the scores obtained in both tests are the same, obtaining a probabilisꢁc value  
associated with the test staꢁsꢁc of 0.001 (bilateral Sig.). As this value is less than 0.05, the null  
hypothesis of equality of means is rejected, thus concluding, with a confidence level of 95%, that  
the means between the pretest and the posꢀest are different. The above indicates that the  
aforemenꢁoned treatment was favorable for improving performance in ESL, although as indicated  
before, not all students improved their grade.  
It is important to recognize that, although the results of this research are encouraging, an  
analysis is necessary in various circumstances, tesꢁng the hypothesis described in other  
socioeconomic contexts and other educaꢁonal levels, experimenꢁng with a larger budget, longer  
intervenꢁons and with the presence of control groups.  
Acknowledgments: The authors of this arꢁcle would like to express their graꢁtude for the funding  
of this research to the Naꢁonal Council of Humaniꢁes, Science, and Technology (CONAHCYT) through  
the Naꢁonal Postgraduate System (SNP) of Mexico.  
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