Baño Lucio, L. E., et al. (2024)
Family and educaꢁonal aspects influence performance in learning ESL. It was observed that
the least favorable responses in the AMTB instrument were found in the items "At my house they
help me with my homework" and "My parents know English and I have interacꢁons with them",
which obtained a lower average score of 5.30 and 4.70 respecꢁvely. These results demonstrate that
some students have limited access to academic support at home or to English-speaking models,
which may contribute to poor academic performance in this subject. Lack of aꢀenꢁon and support
at home can negaꢁvely influence student performance.
The items that obtained the highest scores were "I am in good health" and "I arrive at school
on ꢁme", with means of 8.52 and 8.71 respecꢁvely, this suggests that students have the resources
and support necessary to maintain good health. health and fulfill their academic responsibiliꢁes.
Regarding moꢁvaꢁon, the highest responses were observed in the items "Learning English is
important because I can communicate with people from other countries" and "I study English
because it is important for my educaꢁon and future", with an average score of 9.06. These results
indicate that students are aware of the importance of language in their educaꢁon and in their future.
Evidence shows that parental aꢀenꢁon improves children's emoꢁonal and social skills. In
the items, "My parents encourage me to learn English" and "My parents know English and I interact
with them" it is reflected that the presence of adults who speak the language is an important factor
in the acquisiꢁon of an L2, since this favors posiꢁvely on children's ability and confidence to learn
and not become inhibited when communicaꢁng in ESL. Parents and the school community are
essenꢁal in students' learning of ESL. The interacꢁon and encouragement that children receive both
at home and in the school environment have a significant impact on their ability and confidence to
communicate in the language.
A holisꢁc methodology with a focus of 20% on grammar and 80% on pracꢁce can improve
certain English learning skills. The evidence at a descripꢁve level indicates that the mean of the
scores obtained in the post-test (5.98) is higher than that of the pre-test (5.04), which suggests that
the treatment was effecꢁve in improving the linguisꢁc deficit in ESL, in late learners. To establish
whether these differences are staꢁsꢁcally significant, a hypothesis test was carried out to test the
null hypothesis that the scores obtained in both tests are the same, obtaining a probabilisꢁc value
associated with the test staꢁsꢁc of 0.001 (bilateral Sig.). As this value is less than 0.05, the null
hypothesis of equality of means is rejected, thus concluding, with a confidence level of 95%, that
the means between the pretest and the posꢀest are different. The above indicates that the
aforemenꢁoned treatment was favorable for improving performance in ESL, although as indicated
before, not all students improved their grade.
It is important to recognize that, although the results of this research are encouraging, an
analysis is necessary in various circumstances, tesꢁng the hypothesis described in other
socioeconomic contexts and other educaꢁonal levels, experimenꢁng with a larger budget, longer
intervenꢁons and with the presence of control groups.
Acknowledgments: The authors of this arꢁcle would like to express their graꢁtude for the funding
of this research to the Naꢁonal Council of Humaniꢁes, Science, and Technology (CONAHCYT) through
the Naꢁonal Postgraduate System (SNP) of Mexico.
2024 | Revista Estudios de la Información, 2(2), 115-133.